Source: tools/eventEmitter.js

// inspired by tiny-events:
// MIT License (MIT), Copyright (c) 2014 Björn Brauer

define(['mmirf/util/isArray', 'mmirf/util/toArray'], function(isArray, toArray){

 * <blockquote>
 * Inspired by <a href="">tiny-events</a><br>
 * MIT License (MIT), Copyright (c) 2014 Björn Brauer
 * </blockquote>
 * Simple Event Emitter / Manager.
 * Optionally, a list of supported events can be specified:
 * if a list of supported events is given, trying the register a listener for an
 * unsupported event will cause an error.
 * @param       {any} [thisArg] OPTIONAL
 *                              this context when emitting events:
 *                              if omitted (i.e undefined), the this context will
 *                              be the EventEmitter instance.
 *                              If <code>null</code> the context will be the global
 *                              context.
 *                              Any other value will be taken as-is.
 *                              WARNING: if thisArg is an Array, then events argument
 *                                       must also be given, either as an Array, or
 *                                       <code>false</code> for disabling the
 *                                       supported events restriction
 * @param       {Array<string>} [events] OPTIONAL
 * 															A list of supported event types/names:
 * 															if calling EventEmitter.on() with an unsupported
 * 															type, an error will be thrown.
 * 															If omitted, any event type/names is allowed.
 * @param       {Boolean} [enableHooks] OPTIONAL
 * 															If true, upon emitting events, existing handler functions
 * 															on the <code>thisArg</code> with name "on{lower-case event name}"
 * 															will be triggered, after registered listeners were triggered.
 * 															NOTE: if enabled, the <code>thisArg</code> argument must be undefined or a valid
 * 															      context (must not be <code>null</code>).
 * 															NOTE: should not be used in combination with {@link mmir.extensions.EventEmitter#createEventHandlerProperty}
 * @constructor
 * @memberOf
function EventEmitter(thisArg, events, enableHooks) {
	if (typeof events === 'boolean' && typeof enableHooks === 'undefined') {
		enableHooks = events;
		events = void(0);
	if (typeof thisArg === 'boolean' && typeof events === 'undefined' && typeof enableHooks === 'undefined') {
		enableHooks = thisArg;
		thisArg = void(0);
	if (isArray(thisArg) && typeof events === 'undefined') {
		events = thisArg;
		thisArg = void(0);
	this._ctx = typeof thisArg === 'undefined'? this : thisArg;
	this._events = events? new Set(events) : null;
	this._listeners = new Map();
	this._enableHooks = !!enableHooks;

 * Verifies that an event type can be used with the EventEmitter instance
 * (see <code>events</code> argument in constructor).
 * @param       {string} type the event type to check
 * @throws Error if the event type is not supported by the EventEmitter instance
EventEmitter.prototype.verify = function _on(type) {
	if (this._events && !this._events.has(type)) {
		throw new Error('unsupported event '+type+', must be one of '+Array.from(this._events));

 * Register a listener for an event type.
 * Will be ignored, if the listener already is registered for that event type.
 * If a list of supported event types is specified for the EventEmitter instance,
 * and <code>type</code> is not a supported type, an error will be thrown.
 * @param       {string} type the event type
 * @param       {Function} listener this listener that will be registered
 * @return      {boolean} <code>true</code> if the listener was registered
 * @throws Error if the event type is not supported by the EventEmitter instance
EventEmitter.prototype.on = function _on(type, listener) {

	var l = this._listeners.get(type);
	if (!l) {
		l = new Set();
		this._listeners.set(type, l);

		return true;

	return false;

 * Register a listener for an event type to be called one time.
 * @param       {string} type the event type
 * @param       {Function} listener this listener that will be registered
 * @return      {boolean} <code>true</code> if the listener was registered
 * @throws Error if the event type is not supported by the EventEmitter instance
 * @see #on
EventEmitter.prototype.once = function _once(type, listener) {
	var self = this;

	function __once() {
		var args = toArray(arguments);, __once);
		listener.apply(self._ctx, args);

	__once.listener = listener;

	return this.on(type, __once);

 * Unregister a listener for an event.
 * @param       {string} type the event type
 * @param       {Function} [listener] OPTIONAL
 * 												 The listener to be removed.
 * 												 If omitted, all listeners for the event type will be
 * 												 removed.
 * @return      {boolean} <code>true</code> if the listener was removed
 */ = function _off(type, listener) {
	var l = this._listeners.get(type);
	if (!l) {
		return false;

	if (typeof listener === 'undefined') {
		return l.size > 0;

	if(l.delete(listener)) {
		//NOTE remove l, if it becomes empty!
		if(l.size === 0) {
		return true;

	return false;

 * Emit an event to registered listeners.
 * @param       {string} type the event type that will be emitted
 * @param       {...any} [args] OPTIONAL arguments that will be emitted to
 *                              the listeners
 * @return      {boolean} <code>true</code> if at least one listener was notified
EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function _emit(type) {
	var l = this._listeners.get(type);

	var hasListeners = l && l.size > 0;
	var hook = this._enableHooks && this._ctx['on'+type.toLowerCase()];
	if(typeof hook !== 'function'){
		hook = null;

	if(hasListeners || hook){

		var size = arguments.length;
		var args = new Array(size - 1);
		for (var i = 1; i < size; ++i) {
			args[i - 1] = arguments[i];

			l.forEach(function __emit(listener) {
				listener.apply(this, args);
			}, this._ctx);

			hook.apply(this._ctx, args);

		return true;

	return false;

 * Check if the EventEmitter instance has any listener registered.
 * NOTE: only considers hooks, if hooks are enabled and a list of valid events
 *       was specified (see constructor).
 * @return      {boolean} <code>true</code> if no listener is registered
EventEmitter.prototype.empty = function _empty() {

	//ASSERT this._listeners does not contain empty event type collections/Sets
	//       (that is: no empty Sets will be added & if a Set becomes empty, it will be removed)
	if(this._listeners.size === 0){
		// -> no listeners are registed via this.on()

		//check if any event hooks are present:
		if(this._enableHooks && this._ctx && this._events){
			var list = toArray(this._events);
			for(var i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){
				if(typeof this._ctx['on'+list[i].toLowerCase()] === 'function'){
					return false; /////////////// EARLY EXIT ////////////////////////

		//ASSERT this._listeners does not contain empty event type collections/Sets
		//       (that is: no empty Sets will be added & if a Set becomes empty, it will be removed)
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;

 * Get a list of event types (if no argument is given) or a list of registered
 * listeners for an event type (if event type is given).
 * @param       {string} [type] the event type.
 * 															If omitted returns a list of event types, or
 * 															<code>undefined</code>, if there are no listener
 * 															for any event registered.
 * 															If an event type is specified, returns a list of
 * 															listeners, or <code>undefined</code>, if no
 * 															listeners for the event type or registered.
 * @return      {Array<Function>|Array<String>} a list of listeners or a list of
 * 															event types or <code>undefined</code>, if there
 * 															are none.
EventEmitter.prototype.get = function _get(type) {
	if(typeof type === 'undefined'){
		return !this.empty()? toArray(this._listeners.keys()) : void(0);
	var l = this._listeners.get(type);
	//ASSERT if l is present, then l.size > 0
	return l? toArray(l) : l;

 * Check if listener is registered for an event.
 * @param       {string} type the event type
 * @param       {Function} [listener] OPTIONAL
 * 												 The listener to be checked.
 * 												 If omitted, it will be checked, if there is any listener
 * 												 of the event type.
 * @return      {boolean} <code>true</code> if the listener (or any if listener
 * 												 was not specified) is registered for the event type
EventEmitter.prototype.has = function _has(type, listener) {
	var l = this._listeners.get(type);
	//ASSERT if l is present, then l.size > 0
	return l? (listener? l.has(listener) : true) : false;

 * Release all resources of EventEmitter instance:
 * unregister any listeners and unlink any external references
 * (e.g. thisArg if given in constructor).
EventEmitter.prototype.destroy = function _destroy() {
		this._events = null;
	this._ctx = null;

return EventEmitter;
