Class: SemanticInterpreter

mmir. SemanticInterpreter



  • module:require


addGrammar(id, grammarImpl, fileFormatNo)

Add/register grammar for use with interpret NOTE: if no other grammar is available yet, currentGrammarId will be set to id. NOTE: if currently disabled, calling this function automatically enables ( setEnabled(TRUE) ), the semantic interpreter.
Name Type Description
id String ID for the grammar (e.g. an ISO-639 language code)
grammarImpl mmir.grammar.GrammarConverter | function the executable JavaScript grammar implementation IF {mmir.grammar.GrammarConverter}: the impl. with valid member {Function} mmir.grammar.GrammarConverter.executeGrammar() IF {Function}: the {Function} mmir.grammar.GrammarConverter#executeGrammar() - In this case, if no GrammarConverter instance fo id is present, a new one will be created; The stopwords must already be set, be part of the options-argument (see doc for fileFormatNo), or must additionally be set for the GrammarConverter instance (e.g. using mmir.SemanticInterpreter.setStopwords)
fileFormatNo Number | PlainObject optional OPTIONAL If Number and the number given does not match GRAMMAR_FILE_FORMAT_VERSION the file format is assumed to be out-dated and an Error will be thrown. If PlainObject, i.e. an options object, the following properties are evaluated (all properties are optional):
fileFormat: NUMBER, default: undefined
(desc. see above)
execMode: 'sync' | 'async', default: 'sync'
if 'async' then the grammar is executed asynchronously, i.e. interpret() must be invoked with a callback function in order to retrieve the result
stopwords: Array, default: null
if given, the grammar (GrammarConverter) will be set with this stopword list, i.e. grammar.setStopwords(stopwords)
Error if fileFormatNo is given, but does not match GRAMMAR_FILE_FORMAT_VERSION.

addProcessing(langCode, proc, isPrepend, callback)

Shortcut for mmir.GrammarConverter#addProc: add pre-/post-processing step for running before/after interpret
Name Type Description
langCode String the language code, for which to add the (pre- and/or post-) processing step
proc ProcessingStep the processing step:
							//the name of the processing step
							name: string,
							//OPTIONAL pre-processing function: pre(input: string | Positions, isCalcPos: boolean)
							pre: Function,
							//OPTIONAL post-processing function: post(result: any, pos: Positions)
							post: Function
isPrepend Boolean | Number optional OPTIONAL if omitted (or FALSY): appended proc to processing steps if number: insert proc at this index into the processing steps-list if TRUE: prepend proc to processing steps
callback function optional OPTIONAL callback, in case of asnychronous initalization, i.e. if grammar is not loaded/compiled yet, and grammar.json is available. If omitted, an error is thrown, if the grammar has not been loaded/compiled yet.
  • mmir.GrammarConverter#addProc
var posUtil = mmir.require('mmirf/positionUtils');
//stemming function
var stemFunc = ...;
//add stemming function for pre-processing for "de" as first step
mmir.semantic.addProcessing('de', {
 name: 'stem',
 pre: posUtil.createWordPosPreProc(stem, this)
}, true);

applyPreProcessing(thePhrase, lang, processingSteps)

Applies pre-processing for the corresponding parser/grammar of lang (e.g. removes stopwords using the stopword-list etc). NOTE: interpret automatically applies pre-processing i.e. there is no need to manually do this when using interpret). IMPORTANT: this helper function actually invokes mmir.grammar.GrammarConverter#preproc which by default removes stopwords; if the corresponding GrammarConverter instance has been set with a non-default pre-processing chain, results may be differ (i.e. may not remove stopwords).
Name Type Description
thePhrase String the Phrase for which stopwords should be removed
lang String optional the language code (identifier) for the parser/grammar (if omitted the currently set grammar is used)
processingSteps Array.<ProcessingStep> optional OPTIONAL if given, use processingSteps instead of the GrammarConverter's configured pre-processing chain. NOTE positional argument (i.e. must specify pos too)

createGrammar(rawGrammarSrc, id, doRecompile, generatedParserLanguageCode, callback){SemanticInterpreter.prototype}

Name Type Description
rawGrammarSrc String | JSONObject
id String
doRecompile String | JSONObject IF {String}: the String's contents will be used as a String-representation of the JSON grammar IF {Object}: the Object will be used as JSON representation for the grammar
generatedParserLanguageCode String optional OPTIONAL if param doRecompile is used, this String specifies the language for the generated grammatic-parser. If omitted, the default "de" (German) will be used. NOTE: this must be a valid ISO language code!
callback function optional
Type Description
id (i.e. the key for map grammarImplMap) for currently used grammar. If for invocations of interpret(..) etc. function the ID/languageCode argument is missing/omitted, then this id will be used. NOTE: if not NULL, the grammar must be available, either as compiled JS file (which must be already loaded, i.e. already present in grammarImplMap), or as JSON grammar file (which must be available at /config/languages/[ID]/grammar.json
Get compile-mode (sychronous or asynchronous) for the grammar engine, i.e. if the compiler engine for the JSON grammar should run synchronously or asynchronously.
Type Description
Boolean the compile mode (sychronous or asynchronous) when generating new parsers with the grammar-engine.


Get JavaScript strict mode compile-setting for the grammar engine, i.e. if the compiler engine should generate code with strict-mode setting.
Type Description
Boolean the strict mode setting
Get the grammar converter instance (of registered grammar)
Name Type Description
id String optional the ID (identifier) / language code for grammar if omitted: the currently active grammar
Type Description
mmir.grammar.GrammarConverter the grammar converter


NOTE: the grammar must be compiled/registered first
Name Type Description
id String the ID (identifier) / language code for grammar
Get the ID of the current grammar engine / compiler.
Default Value:
  • "jcss"
Type Description
String the ID of the current grammar engine


NOTE: the grammar must be compiled/registered first
Name Type Description
id String the ID (identifier) / language code for grammar
Check if grammar is register
Name Type Description
id string the grammar ID
Type Description
Boolean true, if grammar with ID is registered

interpret(phrase, langCode, callback){Object}

Name Type Description
phrase String the phrase that will be parsed
langCode String the language code (identifier) for the parser/grammar
callback function | ParseOptions optional OPTIONAL parsing-options or a callback: options.callback: FUNCTION the callback function (see below) options.debug: BOOLEAN enabling debug output (by default the logger's log-level <= 'debug' is used) options.trace: BOOLEAN enabling verbose/tracing output; may not be supported by all grammar engines (by default the logger's log-level <= 'verbose' is used) NOTE: some grammar engines may support additional parsing options If a callback function: receives the return value (instead of receiving the result as return value from this function directly). The signature for the callback is: callback(result: Object) (i.e. the result that would be returned by this function itself is passed as argument into the callback function; see also documentation for returns). NOTE: in case, the grammar for the requested langCode is not compiled yet (i.e. not present as executable JavaScript), the corresponding JSON definition of the grammar needs to be compiled first, before processing the ASR's semantics is possible. In this case, a callback function MUST be supplied in order to receive a result (since compilation of the grammar may be asynchronous).
Type Description
Object the parsing result (as processed by the parser / grammar; usually a JSON-like object). WARNING: if a callback function was provided, then there is no return object.
Flag for enabling/disabling processing of SemanticInterpreter. If disabled, interpret(), applyPreProcessing() will return null values. NOTE: if no grammar for any language is available, the SemanticInterpreter should be disabled. Setting a language, automatically enables the the SemanticInterpreter.


If true, pre-processing input-phrase (before running interpretion) will include meta-data for changed positions (due to pre-processing) in input-string E.g. can be used to map semantic-results (matched tokens/utterances where e.g. stopwords would be removed) on the raw input-string. The meta-information will be included in field preproc of the interpretation result.
Type Description
Boolean if calculation of modified positions during pre-processing is enabled
Remove a registered grammar
Name Type Description
id string the grammar ID to remove

removeStopwords(thePhrase, lang)

Removes stopwords using the stopword-list from the parser/grammar for lang.
Name Type Description
thePhrase String the Phrase for which stopwords should be removed
lang String the language code (identifier) for the parser/grammar


Sets the current grammar. If in invocations of interpret the grammar ID (e.g. language code) is missing, then this grammar that is set here is used. The id must reference either a grammar that was compiled (i.e. generated JavaScript file) for this id, or there must exists JSON-grammar file for which the language-dir matches the id parameter, e.g. config/languages/[id]/grammar.json.
Name Type Description
id String the ID for the grammar, e.g. an ISO language code

setEngineCompileMode(asyncCompileMode, disableStrictMode)

Set compile-mode (sychronous or asynchronous) for the grammar engine, i.e. if the compiler engine for the JSON grammar should run synchronously or asynchronously. NOTE: if there is no asynchronous implementation available for the grammar engine, the sync-impl. is used by default. NOTE: asynchronous compile mode requires WebWorkers
Name Type Description
asyncCompileMode Boolean sets the compile mode (sychronous or asynchronous) when generating new parsers with the grammar-engine.
disableStrictMode Boolean optional OPTIONAL disable JavaScript strict mode when generating grammar code
Default Value:
  • false (i.e. synchronous compile mode)

setGrammarEngine(egnineId, asyncCompileMode, disableStrictMode)

Set the grammar engine, i.e. the compiler engine for the JSON grammar NOTE: implementations of the grammar engines are located at env/grammar/ The file-name for an implementation should follow the convention: ID+"Generator.js" and should be registered with requirejs with the module-ID: ID+"Gen"
Name Type Description
egnineId String the ID for the engine. Possible values: "jscc", "jison", "pegjs"
asyncCompileMode Boolean optional OPITIONAL sets the compile mode (sychronous or asynchronous) when generating new parsers with the grammar-engine. DEFAULT: VOID (i.e. leave current set compile-mode setting unchanged)
disableStrictMode Boolean optional OPTIONAL disable JavaScript strict mode when generating grammar code
NOTE: this argument is positional, i.e. asyncCompileMode must also be given when using this argument


Enable / disable calculation of modified positions during pre-processing
Name Type Description
isEnabled Boolean if calculation of modified positions during pre-processing should be enabled

setStopwords(id, grammarImpl, fileFormatNo)

Add/register grammar for use with interpret NOTE: if no other grammar is available yet, currentGrammarId will be set to id. NOTE: if currently disabled, calling this function automatically enables ( setEnabled(TRUE) ), the semantic interpreter.
Name Type Description
id String ID for the grammar (e.g. an ISO-639 language code)
grammarImpl mmir.grammar.GrammarConverter | function the executable JavaScript grammar implementation IF {mmir.grammar.GrammarConverter}: the impl. with valid member {Function} mmir.grammar.GrammarConverter.executeGrammar() IF {Function}: the {Function} mmir.grammar.GrammarConverter#executeGrammar() - In this case, if no GrammarConverter instance fo id is present, a new one will be created; The stopwords must already be set, be part of the options-argument (see doc for fileFormatNo), or must additionally be set for the GrammarConverter instance (e.g. using mmir.SemanticInterpreter.setStopwords)
fileFormatNo Number | PlainObject optional OPTIONAL If Number and the number given does not match GRAMMAR_FILE_FORMAT_VERSION the file format is assumed to be out-dated and an Error will be thrown. If PlainObject, i.e. an options object, the following properties are evaluated (all properties are optional):
fileFormat: NUMBER, default: undefined
(desc. see above)
execMode: 'sync' | 'async', default: 'sync'
if 'async' then the grammar is executed asynchronously, i.e. interpret() must be invoked with a callback function in order to retrieve the result
stopwords: Array, default: null
if given, the grammar (GrammarConverter) will be set with this stopword list, i.e. grammar.setStopwords(stopwords)
Error if fileFormatNo is given, but does not match GRAMMAR_FILE_FORMAT_VERSION.