Class: GrammarConverter


new mmir.grammar.GrammarConverter()

The GrammarConverter object initializes the grammar for processing natural language text, e.g. from the voice recognition.
var GrammarConverter = new mmir.require('mmirf/grammarConverter');
var gc = new GrammarConverter();


  • module:util/loadFile
  • module:util/isArray
  • module:positionUtils


addProc(proc, isPrepend)

add pre-/post-processing step for running before/after executeGrammar
Name Type Description
proc ProcessingStep the processing step:
							//the name of the processing step
							name: string,
							//OPTIONAL pre-processing function: pre(input: string | Positions, isCalcPos: boolean)
							pre: Function,
							//OPTIONAL post-processing function: post(result: any, pos: Positions)
							post: Function
isPrepend Boolean | Number optional OPTIONAL if omitted (or FALSY): appended proc to processing steps if number: insert proc at this index into the processing steps-list if TRUE: prepend proc to processing steps
var posUtil = mmir.require('mmirf/positionUtils');
//stemming function
var stemFunc = ...;
//add stemming function for pre-processing as first step
 name: 'stem',
 pre: posUtil.createWordPosPreProc(stem, this)
}, true);

executeGrammar(text, options, callback){Object}

Execute the grammar. NOTE: do not use directly, but mmir.SemanticInterpreter#interpret instead, since that function applies some pre- and post-processing to the text (stopword removal en-/decoding of special characters etc.).
Name Type Description
text String the text String that should be parse.
options Object optional additional parsing options (some grammar engines may support further options) options.debug: BOOLEAN enable printing debug information options.trace: BOOLEAN | FUNCTION enable printing verbose/tracing information (may not be supported by the grammar engine)
callback function optional if #isAsyncExec is TRUE, then executeGrammar will have no return value, but instead the result of the grammar execution is delivered by the callback:
function callback(result){ ... }
(see also description of return value below)
Type Description
Object the result of the grammar execution:
{phrase: STRING, phrases: OBJECT[], semantic: OBJECT}
The property phrase contains the text which was matched (with removed stopwords). The property phrases contains the matched TOKENS and UTTERANCES from the JSON definition of the grammar as properties as arrays (e.g. for 1 matched TOKEN "token": {token: ["the matched text"]}). The returned property semantic depends on the JSON definition of the grammar. NOTE: if #isAsyncExec is TRUE, then there will be no return value, but instead the callback is invoked with the return value.
HELPER creates a copy of the stopword list and encodes all non-ASCII chars to their unicode representation (e.g. for save storage of stringified stopword list, even if file-encoding does not support non-ASCII letters).
Type Description
Array.<String> a copy of the stopword list, from the current JSON grammar (or empty list, if no grammar is present)
Get grammar definition text. This is the "source code" input for the grammar compiler (i.e. syntax for jison, PEG.js or JS/CC). The grammar definition text is generated from the JSON grammar.
Type Description
String the grammar definition in compiler-specific syntax
Get the compiled JavaScript grammar source code. This is the output of the grammar compiler (with additional JavaScript "framing" in mmir.SemanticInterpreter#createGrammar). This needs to be eval'ed before it can be executed (eval() will add the corresponding executable grammar to SemanticInterpreter).
Type Description
String the compiled, JavaScript grammar source code

getProcIndex(proc, startIndex){Number}

remove a processing step by its index (within procList) or its name NOTE: if multiple processing steps with the same name exist, the first one is removed
Name Type Description
proc String the name of the processing step
startIndex Number optional OPTIONAL start index for searching (DEFAULT: 0)
Type Description
Number the index of the processing step, or -1, if there is no such processing step


FIX for stopwords that start or end with encoded chars (i.e. non-ASCII chars) This RegExp may be NULL/undefined, if no stopwords exist, that begin/end with encoded chars i.e. you need to check for NULL, before trying to use this RegExpr. Usage:
//remove normal stopwords:
 var removedStopwordsStr  = someStr.replace( gc.getStopWordsRegExpr(), '');

 var removedStopwordsStr2 = removedStopwordsStr;
 	//NOTE replace stopwords with spaces (not with empty String as above, ie. with "normal" stopwords)
 	removedStopwordsStr2 = gc.getStopWordsEncRegExpr().replace( gc.getStopWordsEncRegExpr(), ' ');

maskAsUnicode(str, computePositions){String|Object}

HELPER uses #maskString for encoding non-ASCII chars to their Unicode representation, i.e. \uXXXX where XXXX is the Unicode HEX number. SHORTCUT for calling maskString(str, '\\u', '').
Name Type Description
str String the string for unicode masking
computePositions Boolean optional OPTIONAL DEFAULT: false
Type Description
String | Object the unicode-masked string, or if computePositions was true a result object with
					text: STRING, // the masked string
					pos: [POSITION] // array of maskink-positions: {i: NUMBER, len: NUMBER, mlen: NUMBER}
where POSITION is an object with
					i: NUMBER, // the index within the modified string
					len: NUMBER, // the length before the modification (i.e. of sub-string that is to be masked)
					mlen: NUMBER // the length after the modification (i.e. of sub-string that that was masked)
//for Japanese "下さい" ("please")
maskAsUnicode("下さい") // -> "\u4E0B\u3055\u3044"

//... and using default masking:
maskString("下さい") // -> "~~4E0B~~~~3055~~~~3044~~"

maskString(str, computePositions, prefix, postfix){String|Object}

Masks unicoded characters strings. Unicode characters are mask by replacing them with ~~XXXX~~ where XXXX is the four digit unicode HEX number.

NOTE that this function is stable with regard to multiple executions: If the function is invoked on the returned String again, the returned String will be the same / unchanged, i.e. maskings (i.e. "~~XXXX~~") will not be masked again.

NOTE: currently, the masking pattern cannot be escaped, i.e. if the original String contains a substring that matches the masking pattern, it cannot be escaped, so that the unmask-function will leave it untouched.

Name Type Description
str String the String to process
computePositions Boolean optional OPTIONAL DEFAULT: false
prefix String optional OPTIONAL an alternative prefix used for masking, i.e instead of ~~ (ignored, if argument has other type than string)
postfix String optional OPTIONAL an alternative postfix used for masking, i.e instead of ~~ (ignored, if argument has other type than string)
Type Description
String | Object the masked string, or if computePositions was true a result object with
					text: STRING, // the masked string
					pos: [POSITION] // array of maskink-positions: {i: NUMBER, len: NUMBER, mlen: NUMBER}
where POSITION is an object with
					i: NUMBER, // the index within the modified string
					len: NUMBER, // the length before the modification (i.e. of sub-string that is to be masked)
					mlen: NUMBER // the length after the modification (i.e. of sub-string that that was masked)

postproc(procResult, pos, processingSteps)

Post-processes the result from the applied grammar: * un-masks non-ASCI characters addProc can be used to add additional pre-/post-processing steps
Name Type Description
procResult SemanticResult
pos Positions the position information (i.e. modifications) of the pre-processing steps
processingSteps Array.<ProcessingStep> optional OPTIONAL if given, use processingSteps instead of (field) procList NOTE positional argument (i.e. must specify pos too)

preproc(thePhrase, pos, processingSteps){String}

Apply pre-processing to the string, before applying the grammar: * escape (i.e. "mask") non-ASCI characters * remove stopwords addProc can be used to add additional pre-/post-processing steps
Name Type Description
thePhrase String
pos PlainObject optional OPTIONAL in/out argument: if given, the pre-processor will add fields with information on how the input string thePhrase was modified By default the position information for escaped characters and removed stopwords will be added to pos.escape (see maskString for more details) pos.stopwords (see removeStopwords for more details) And the field pos._order will contain the ordered list of pre-processing steps that where applied i.e. the enries correspond to the field names, e.g. by default the list would contain ['escape', 'stopwords']
processingSteps Array.<ProcessingStep> optional OPTIONAL if given, use processingSteps instead of (field) procList NOTE positional argument (i.e. must specify pos too)
Type Description
String the pre-processed string

recodeJSON(json, recodeFunc, isMaskValues, isMaskNames){Object}

Recodes Strings of a JSON-like object.
Name Type Description
json Object the JSON-like object (i.e. PlainObject)
recodeFunc function the "recoding" function for modifying String values: must accecpt a String argument and return a String String recodeFunc(String). The recodeFunc function is invoked in context of the GrammarConverter object. Example: this.maskString(). See maskString.k
isMaskValues Boolean optional OPTIONAL if true, the object's property String values will be processed NOTE: in case this parameter is specified, then recodeFunc must also be specified! DEFAULT: uses property maskValues
isMaskNames Boolean optional OPTIONAL if true, the property names will be processed NOTE: in case this parameter is specified, then recodeFunc and isMaskValues must also be specified! DEFAULT: uses property maskNames
Type Description
Object the recoded JSON object


remove a processing step by its index (within procList) or its name NOTE: if multiple processing steps with the same name exist, the last one is removed
Name Type Description
proc Number | String the name or index of the processing step that should be removed
Type Description
ProcessingStep the removed processing step, or undefined, if there was no matchin processing step

removeStopwords(thePhrase, computePositions){String|Object}

Name Type Description
thePhrase String the string from which to remove stopwords (and trim()'ed)
computePositions Boolean optional OPTIONAL DEFAULT: false
Name Type Description
the String | Object string where stopwords were removed, or if computePositions was true a result object where the positions at which stopwords were removed will be available as an array:
					text: STRING, // the string with removed stopwords
					pos: [POSITION] // array of positions for removed stopwords: {i: NUMBER, len: NUMBER, mlen: NUMBER}
where POSITION is an object with
					i: NUMBER, // the index within the modified string
					len: NUMBER, // the length before the modification (i.e. of sub-string that is to be masked)
					mlen: NUMBER // the length after the modification (i.e. of sub-string that that was masked)
the String string where stopwords were removed


Sets the grammar definition text. This function should only be used during compilation of the JSON grammar to the executable grammar. NOTE: Setting this "manually" will have no effect on the executable grammar.
Name Type Description
rawGrammarSyntax String the grammar definition in compiler-specific syntax

setGrammarFunction(func, isAsnc)

Set the executable grammar function. The grammar function takes a String argument: the text that should be parsed. a Function argument: the callback for the result. where the callback itself takes 1 argument for the result: callback(result) The returned result depends on the JSON definition of the grammar: func(inputText, resultCallback)
Name Type Description
func function the executable grammar function: func(string, object, function(object)) : object
isAsnc Boolean optional OPTIONAL set to TRUE, if execution is asynchronously done. DEFAULT: FALSE
  • exectueGrammar

unmaskString(str, computePositions, detector){String|Object}

Unmasks masked unicoded characters in a string. Masked unicode characters are assumed to have the pattern: ~~XXXX~~ where XXXX is the four digit unicode HEX number.

NOTE that this function is stable with regard to multiple executions, IF the original String str did not contain a sub-string that conforms to the encoding pattern (see remark for maskString): If the function is invoked on the returned String again, the returned String will be the same, i.e. unchanged.

Name Type Description
str String
computePositions Boolean optional OPTIONAL DEFAULT: false
detector RegExp optional OPTIONAL an alternative detector-RegExp: the RegExp must conatin at least one grouping which detects a unicode number (HEX), e.g. default detector is ~~([0-9|A-F|a-f]{4})~~ (note the grouping for detecting a 4-digit HEX number within the brackets).
Type Description
String | Object the masked string, or if computePositions was true a result object with
					text: STRING, // the masked string
					pos: [POSITION] // array of maskink-positions: {i: NUMBER, len: NUMBER, mlen: NUMBER}
where POSITION is an object with
					i: NUMBER, // the index within the modified string
					len: NUMBER, // the length before the modification (i.e. of sub-string that is to be masked)
					mlen: NUMBER // the length after the modification (i.e. of sub-string that that was masked)