Class: WebspeechAudioInput






Default Value:
  • "webspeechAudioInput"




Start speech recognition with end-of-speech detection: the recognizer automatically tries to detect when speech has finished and triggers the status-callback accordingly with results.

NOTE: no end event, if recognize() is stopped via stopRecord()


asyncstartRecord(options, statusCallback, failureCallback)

Start speech recognition (without end-of-speech detection): after starting, the recognition continues until stopRecord is called.
Name Type Description
options PlainObject optional OPTIONAL options for Automatic Speech Recognition:
			  success: OPTIONAL Function, the status-callback (see arg statusCallback)
			, error: OPTIONAL Function, the error callback (see arg failureCallback)
			, language: OPTIONAL String, the language for recognition (if omitted, the current language setting is used)
			, intermediate: OTPIONAL Boolean, set true for receiving intermediate results (NOTE not all ASR engines may support intermediate results)
			, results: OTPIONAL Number, set how many recognition alternatives should be returned at most (NOTE not all ASR engines may support this option)
			, mode: OTPIONAL "search" | "dictation", set how many recognition alternatives should be returned at most (NOTE not all ASR engines may support this option)
			, eosPause: OTPIONAL "short" | "long", length of pause after speech for end-of-speech detection (NOTE not all ASR engines may support this option)
			, disableImprovedFeedback: OTPIONAL Boolean, disable improved feedback when using intermediate results (NOTE not all ASR engines may support this option)
statusCallback function optional OPTIONAL callback function that is triggered when, recognition starts, text results become available, and recognition ends. The callback signature is:
					text: String | "",
					confidence: Number | Void,
					alternatives: Array<{result: String, score: Number}> | Void,
					unstable: String | Void
Usually, for status "FINAL" | "INTERIM" | "INTERMEDIATE" text results are returned, where
			  "INTERIM": an interim result, that might still change
			  "INTERMEDIATE": a stable, intermediate result
			  "FINAL": a (stable) final result, before the recognition stops
If present, the unstable argument provides a preview for the currently processed / recognized text.
NOTE that when using intermediate mode, status-calls with "INTERMEDIATE" may contain "final intermediate" results, too.
NOTE: if used in combination with options.success, this argument will supersede the options
failureCallback function optional OPTIONAL callback function that is triggered when an error occurred. The callback signature is: callback(error)
NOTE: if used in combination with options.error, this argument will supersede the options