Class: RenderUtils

mmir.parser. RenderUtils


A Utility class for rendering parsed (eHTML) templates, or more specifically ParsingResult objects.
mmir.parser.RenderUtils.render(parseResult, contentElementList);


renderContentElement(contentElement, data, renderingBuffer){String}

Renders a single mmir.view.ContentElement object.

During rendering, the view's template-expressions are evaluated, and the results rendered into the returned String.

Name Type Description
contentElement mmir.view.ContentElement the ContentElement object that should be rendered
data Object optional a JSON object which's fields will be available during rendering/evaluation of the template expressions
renderingBuffer Array.<String> optional if provided, the partial rendering results will be appended to this Array
Type Description
String the evaluated and rendered ContentElement; if renderingBuffer was provided and not empty, the result will be prepended with the concatenated contents of the Array's Strings

renderJS(rawJSSourceCode, replacementObjectsList, isForcePrefix)

Prepares JavaScript source code for usage in rendering the template (view/partial etc.). The replacement-list contains information which parts of the raw JavaScript code should be modified (e.g. indices [start,end] for replacing text in the source code). The function returns the modified JavaScript source code as a String. If the mode is isForcePrefix == true, the variable-names that correspond to replacementObjectsList are check: if a name does not start with @, then the name will prepended with @ before rendering.
Name Type Description
rawJSSourceCode String the original JavaScript source code
replacementObjectsList Array.<mmir.parser.ParsingResult>
isForcePrefix Boolean optional

renderLayout(parseResult, contentForArray){String}

Renders a layout in preparation for displaying content: This function should be used to preperare the layout content, so that its views can be rendered into it (needs to be done only once, after the layout is loaded).
Name Type Description
parseResult mmir.parser.ParsingResult the parsed view template
contentForArray Array.<mmir.view.ContentElement> optional
Type Description
String the prepared layout content

renderViewContent(htmlContentString, yieldDeclarationsArray, contentForObjectsArray, data){String}

Renders a view.

During rendering, the view's template-expressions are evaluated, and the results rendered into the returned String.

Name Type Description
htmlContentString String | mmir.view.ContentElement the original view-content of the layout-template text, see mmir.view.Layout#getBodyContents or a ContentElement with its YieldDeclarations in its allContentElements field (by default yields are not contained in ContentElement.allContentElements)
yieldDeclarationsArray Array.<mmir.view.YieldDeclaration> a list of yield-declarations of the layout
contentForObjectsArray Array.<mmir.view.ContentElement> a list of content-for objects of the view. This list must supply a corresponding objecet for each entry in the yieldDeclarationsArray.
data Object optional OPTIONAL a JSON object which's fields will be available during rendering/evaluation of the template expressions
Type Description
String the evaluated and rendered view-content

renderViewDialogs(htmlContentString, contentForObjectsArray, data){String}

Renders the dialog content for a view.

During rendering, the view's template-expressions are evaluated, and the results rendered into the returned String.

Name Type Description
htmlContentString String the original dialog-content of the layout-template text, see mmir.view.Layout#getDialogsContents
mmir.view.YieldDeclaration[]} yieldDeclarationsArray a list of yield-declarations of the layout
contentForObjectsArray Array.<mmir.view.ContentElement> a list of content-for objects of the view. This list must supply a corresponding objecet for each entry in the yieldDeclarationsArray.
data Object optional a JSON object which's fields will be available during rendering/evaluation of the template expressions
Type Description
String the evaluated and rendered dialog-content