Module: workers/scion-queue


This is a Worker script that is used as "threaded queue" for managing SCION event execution: New events for SCION are queued in order to allow raising new events from within SCION-event-processing.

This "threaded queue" receives messages from the "WebWorker environment engine" of mmir.dialogEngine - see mmir.state.StateEngineFactory.StateEngineWebWorkerImpl.

The message / work flow is as follows:

  • on receiving queueJob: add new event-job to the queue
  • on receiving finishedJob:
  • if queue is empty: does nothing
  • if queue is not empty: take next job from queue and send it as a processNextJob message to SCION


Handler for received messages.
Name Type Description
evt Object the message object with
Name Type Description
data.command "finishedJob" | "queueJob" | "destroyQueue" the message type / name (e.g. finishedJob)
data.engineId Number | String Number the engine's ID for which this job should be queued
data.job module:workers/scion-queue~Job optional the job object (e.g. in case of command queueJob the job that will be queued)


Handler for sending messages.

In case of finishedJob: take next job for the engine-queue and send it to SCION, i.e. post a message e with
{String} = processNextJob
{Object} the job object (that was added before to the queue with command / message queueJob

Name Type Description
queue module:workers/scion-queue~JobQueue the job queue