Source: tools/checksumUtils.js

	 * A Utility class for creating / reading checksum (files).<br>
	 * @name ChecksumUtils
	 * @class
	 * @memberOf
	 * @static
	 * @hideconstructor
	 * @requires CryptoJS (MD5, see

	 * @private
	 * @type CryptoJS.MD5
	 * @memberOf ChecksumUtils#
	var cryptoInstance;

	 * @private
	 * @function
	 * @memberOf ChecksumUtils#
	var computeChecksum = function(str){
		return ''+cryptoInstance.MD5(str);//<- enforce String-value by using: ''+...

	 * @private
	 * @type String
	 * @memberOf ChecksumUtils#
	var digestFileExt = '.checksum.txt';
	 * @private
	 * @type String
	 * @memberOf ChecksumUtils#
	var digestContentSeparator = '\t';
	 * @private
	 * @type String
	 * @memberOf ChecksumUtils#
	var digestContentPostfix = '\r\n';

	 * @private
	 * @function
	 * @memberOf ChecksumUtils#
	var createDigestFileContent = function(originalText, additionalInfo){

		var size = originalText.length;
		var digest = computeChecksum(originalText);

		return digest + digestContentSeparator + size + (additionalInfo? digestContentSeparator + additionalInfo : '') + digestContentPostfix;

	 * @returns {PlainObject} <code>{size: Number, hash: String}</code>
	 * @private
	 * @type String
	 * @memberOf ChecksumUtils#
	var parseDigestFileContent = function(rawTextContent){

		var data = rawTextContent.split(digestContentSeparator);

		return {
			size: parseInt(data[1]),
			hash: data[0],
			info: data[2]? data[2].trim() : data[2]

	 * @returns {Boolean}
	 * @private
	 * @function
	 * @memberOf ChecksumUtils#
	var verifyIsSame = function(rawTextContent, referenceHash, additionalInfo){

		if(typeof referenceHash === 'string'){
			referenceHash = parseDigestFileContent(referenceHash);
		} else if( && != additionalInfo){
			return false;

		var origSize = rawTextContent.length;

		if(origSize === referenceHash.size){
			return referenceHash.hash === computeChecksum(rawTextContent);

	 * @lends
	return {
		 * Must be called before using checksum-generation:
		 * sets/initializes the object/function for checksum generation.
		 * After first call, following calls to this function will have no effect.
		 * @param {CryptoJS} [cryptoImpl] OPTIONAL
		 * 				if omitted, the (global!) variable <code>CryptoJS</code> is used by default.
		 * 				This argument should be the CryptoJS object containing the MD5 function/algorithm, i.e. CryptoJS.MD5() must be a function!
		 * @memberOf
		init: function(cryptoImpl){
				cryptoImpl = CryptoJS? CryptoJS : cryptoInstance;
			cryptoInstance = cryptoImpl;
			return this;
		 * Creates the content for a checksum file, containing information about
		 * the size and hash-value for the supplied String argument.
		 * The result can be "written as is" to a file.
		 * @function
		 * @param {String} originalText
		 * 						the "raw" text for which to generate the checksum information
		 * @param {String} [additionalInfo] OPTIONAL
		 * 						additional information to include in the checksum information (must not contain whitespaces)
		 * @returns {String} the checksum information as a String (formatted as content of a checksum file)
		 * @memberOf
		createContent: createDigestFileContent,
		 * Parses the raw text-content of a checksum file and returns an object
		 * with properties:
		 * <code>{ size: INTEGER, hash: STRING }</code>
		 * @function
		 * @param {String} rawTextContent
		 * 					the raw conent of a checksum file
		 * @returns {PlainObject} an object with the extracted properties from the checksum-data:
		 * 				{ size: INTEGER, hash: STRING, info?: STRING }
		 * @memberOf
		parseContent: parseDigestFileContent,
		 * Check if the length / checksum for a raw text is the same as the checksum-information.
		 * NOTE: The actual checksum for the raw text is only generated & checked, if the size is equal.
		 * @function
		 * @param {String} rawTextContent
		 * 					the (raw) text/content which should be checked
		 * @param {String|PlainObject} referenceHash
		 * 					the checksum information to check against: either the
		 * 					raw content (String) of a checksum file, or the parsed
		 * 					contents of a checksum file, which is a PlainObject with
		 * 					properties:
		 * 					{ size: INTEGER, hash: STRING, info?: STRING }
		 * @param {String} [additionalInfo] OPTIONAL
		 * 					if referenceHash is a PlainObject with info property and
		 * 					additionalInfo must match the info property, otherwise the
		 * 					verification return FALSE
		 * @returns {Boolean}
		 * 					<code>true</code> if the raw content matches the hash
		 * @memberOf
		isSame: verifyIsSame,
		 * Returns the file extension for checksum-files.
		 * CONST
		 * @function
		 * @returns {String} the default file extension for checksum files
		 * 						(including the separating dot, eg. ".checksum.txt")
		 * @memberOf
		getFileExt: function(){
			return digestFileExt;
		 * The Char used for separating fields within checksum files.
		 * @returns {String} the separator char (TAB)
		 * @memberOf
		getConentSeparator: function(){
			return digestContentSeparator;

});//END: define