Source: mvc/views/partial.js

define ( ['mmirf/commonUtils','mmirf/contentElement','mmirf/storageUtils','require'],

	function (
			commonUtils, ContentElement, parser, require
	 * The Partial class is a containing the definition of the partial and methods to access the definition.
	 * @class
	 * @name Partial
	 * @memberOf mmir.view
	 * @param {Object} ctrl
	 * 			Controller instance / object
	 * @param {String} name
	 * 			Name of the Partial
	 * @param {String} definition
	 * 			Partial description, i.e. the raw template code that will be processed.
	 * 			May be empty: in this case the processed contents must be
	 * 						  added manually (cf. parser.StorageUtils)
	 * @requires if param definition is NOT empty: parser.RenderUtils (must be loaded beforehand via <code>require(["mmirf/renderUtils"]...</code>)
	 * @requires if param definition is NOT empty: parser.ParseUtils (must be loaded beforehand via <code>require(["mmirf/parseUtils"]...</code>)
	function Partial(ctrl, name, definition){
//		var HTMLCommentRegExp = /<!--[\s\S]*?-->/g;

			//remove HTML comments:
			definition = definition.replace(commonUtils.regexHTMLComment, '');

		this.controller = ctrl;
		this.def = definition; = name;
//		console.log("[Partial] parsed Partial '" +this.controller + "-" "'.");


			var contentElementInfo = {
					//this name is purely informational:
					name : this.controller.getName() + 'Partial',
					content : this.def
			var parserUtils = typeof WEBPACK_BUILD !== 'undefined' && WEBPACK_BUILD? __webpack_require__('mmirf/parseUtils') : require('mmirf/parseUtils');
			var renderUtils = typeof WEBPACK_BUILD !== 'undefined' && WEBPACK_BUILD? __webpack_require__('mmirf/renderUtils') : require('mmirf/renderUtils');
			this.contentElement = new ContentElement(contentElementInfo, this, parserUtils, renderUtils);

	 * Gets the definition of a partial.
	 * @function getDefinition
	 * @returns {String} The partial description string
	 * @memberOf mmir.view.Partial#
	Partial.prototype.getDefinition = function(){
		return this.def;

	 * Gets the name of a partial.
	 * @function getName
	 * @returns {String} The name of the partial
	 * @memberOf mmir.view.Partial#
	Partial.prototype.getName = function(){

	 * Gets the controller of a partial - each partial is assigned to a specific controller, although they can be used from different controllers.
	 * @function getController
	 * @returns {Object} The controller of the partial
	 * @memberOf mmir.view.Partial#
	Partial.prototype.getController = function(){
		return this.controller;

	 * Gets the {@link mmir.view.ContentElement}, i.e. the content that this instance represents.
	 * @function getContentElement
	 * @returns {mmir.view.ContentElement} The ContentElement object
	 * @memberOf mmir.view.Partial#
	Partial.prototype.getContentElement = function(){
		return this.contentElement;

	 * Gets the {@link mmir.view.ContentElement}, i.e. the content that this instance represents.
	 * @function stringify
	 * @memberOf mmir.view.Partial#
	 * @param  {Boolean} [disableStrictMode] OPTIONAL 	disable JavaScript strict mode in the generated view code
	 * @returns {String} the stringified representation for the Partial
	Partial.prototype.stringify = function(disableStrictMode){

		// "plain properties" list
		var propList = [

		var stringifyablePropList = [
			'contentElement' //element type: ContentElement (stringify-able)

		//function for iterating over the property-list and generating JSON-like entries in the string-buffer
		var appendStringified = parser.appendStringified;

		var moduleNameString = '"''Partial"';

		var sb = [parser.getCodeWrapPrefix(disableStrictMode), 'require("mmirf/storageUtils").restoreObject({ classConstructor: "mmirf/partial"', ','];

		appendStringified(this, propList, sb);

		//non-primitives properties with stringify() function:
		appendStringified(this, stringifyablePropList, sb, null, function arrayValueExtractor(name, stringifyableValue){
			return stringifyableValue.stringify(disableStrictMode);

		//NOTE the use of require() here, assumes that the dependency has already been loaded (i.e. has already been request by some other module!)
		sb.push( 'initPublish: function(){ require("mmirf/presentationManager").addPartial(this.getController(), this); }');

		//TODO is there a better way to store the controller? -> by its contoller's name, and add a getter function...

			//getter/setter function for controller
			//  (NOTE: this init-function needs to be called before controller can be accessed!)
			sb.push( 'initController: function(){');

			// store controller-name:
			sb.push( ' var ctrlName = ');
			sb.push( JSON.stringify(this.getController().getName()) );

			// ... and the getter/setter code:
			sb.push( '; this.controller = require("mmirf/controllerManager").get(ctrlName); },' );//TODO see remark about use of require() above

			//add initializer function
			//  (NOTE: needs to be called before controller or renderer can be accessed!)
			sb.push( 'init: function(){');
			sb.push( ' this.initController(); ' );
			sb.push( ' }' );

			//NOTE: need to add comma in a separate entry
			//      (-> in order to not break the removal method of last comma, see below)
			sb.push( ',' );

		//if last element is a comma, remove it
		if(sb[sb.length - 1] === ','){
			sb.splice( sb.length - 1, 1);

		//TODO use requirejs mechanism? (see remark above)
//		sb.push(' }, true); });\n require([' //<- add require-call, so that this JS-file adds itself to the loaded dependencies in requirejs
//				+ moduleNameString + ']);');

		sb.push(' }, true, '+parser.STORAGE_FILE_FORMAT_NUMBER+');');
		return sb.join('');

	return Partial;
