define(['mmirf/resources', 'mmirf/configurationManager', 'mmirf/commonUtils', 'mmirf/semanticInterpreter', 'mmirf/util/deferred', 'mmirf/util/loadFile', 'mmirf/logger', 'module'],
* A class for managing the language of the application. <br>
* It's purpose is to load the controllers and their views / partials and provide functions to find controllers or
* perform actions or helper-actions.
* This "class" is structured as a singleton - so that only one instance is in use.<br>
* @name LanguageManager
* @memberOf mmir
* @class
* @static
* @hideconstructor
* @requires mmir.Resources
* @requires mmir.CommonUtils
* @requires mmir.SemanticInterpreter
res, configurationManager, commonUtils, semanticInterpreter, deferred, loadFile, Logger, module
* Object containing the instance of the class
* {@link LanguageManager}
* @type Object
* @private
* @memberOf LanguageManager#
var instance = null;
* @private
* @type
* @memberOf LanguageManager#
var logger = Logger.create(module);
* @private
* @type LanguageManagerModuleConfig
* @memberOf LanguageManager#
var _conf = module.config(module);
* JSON object containing the contents of a dictionary file - which are
* found in 'config/languages/<language>/dictionary.json'.
* @type JSON
* @private
* @memberOf LanguageManager#
var dictionary = null;
* A String holding the currently loaded language, e.g. "en".
* @type String
* @private
* @memberOf LanguageManager#
var currentLanguage = null;
* A JSON-Object holding the speech-configuration for the currently loaded language.
* @type JSON-Object
* @private
* @memberOf LanguageManager#
var currentSpeechConfig = null;
* An array of all available languages.
* @type Array
* @private
* @memberOf LanguageManager#
var languages = null;
* A keyword which can be used in views (ehtml) to display the current
* language.<br>
* If this keyword is used inside a view or partial, it is replaced by the
* current language string.
* @type String
* @private
* @example @localize('current_language')
* @memberOf LanguageManager#
var keyword_current_language = 'current_language';
* Function to set a new language, but only if the new language is
* different from the current language.
* <p>
* Side Effects
* <ul>
* <li>updates <code>"language"</code> setting in {@link mmir.ConfigurationManager}</li>
* </ul>
* @function
* @param {String} lang
* the new language code
* @param {Boolean} [doNotLoadResources] OPTIONAL
* if omitted or TRUTHY will only change the current language, but will not try to load language resources
* (e.g. dictionary, speech configuration, and grammar).
* If <code>false</code> will force (re-)loading the language resources, even if <code>lang</code> is
* the same as the current language.
* @returns {String} The (new) current language
* @private
* @memberOf LanguageManager#
function doSetLanguage(lang, doNotLoadResources) {
if (lang && (currentLanguage !== lang || doNotLoadResources === false)) {
currentLanguage = lang;
} else if(logger.isDebug()){
logger.debug("setLanguage(): no dictionary for language " + lang);
dictionary = {};
} else if(logger.isDebug()){//TODO set/generate default speech-config?
logger.debug("setLanguage(): no speech-config (asr/tts) for language " + lang);
currentSpeechConfig = {};
configurationManager.set("language", currentLanguage);
return currentLanguage;
* If a dictionary exists for the given language, true is
* returned. Else the method returns false.
* @function
* @param {String} lang the Language String, e.g. "en", "de"
* @returns {Boolean} True if a dictionary exists for given
* language.
* @private
* @memberOf LanguageManager#
function doCheckExistsDictionary (lang) {
var langFiles = null;
var retValue = false;
if (lang != null) {
langFiles = commonUtils.listDir(res.getLanguagePath() + lang);
if (langFiles != null) {
if (langFiles.indexOf(res.getDictionaryFileUrl()) > -1) {
retValue = true;
return retValue;
* If a speech-configuration (file) exists for the given language.
* @function
* @returns {Boolean}
* <code>true</code>if a speech-configuration exists for given language.
* Otherwise <code>false</code>.
* @param {String} lang
* the language for which existence of the configuration should be checked, e.g. en, de
* @private
* @memberOf LanguageManager#
function doCheckExistsSpeechConfig(lang) {
var langFiles = null;
var retValue = false;
if (lang != null) {
langFiles = commonUtils.listDir(res.getLanguagePath() + lang);
if (langFiles != null) {
if (langFiles.indexOf(res.getSpeechConfigFileUrl()) > -1) {
retValue = true;
return retValue;
* Checks if either a JSON grammar file or a compiled grammar exists
* for the given language.
* @function
* @private
* @param {String} lang
* Language String or grammar ID, e.g. "en", "de"
* @param {"source"|"bin"} [grammarType] OPTIONAL
* only check grammar specifications ("source", i.e. JSON grammar),
* or executable grammar ("bin", i.e. compiled grammar) existence
* @returns {Boolean} TRUE if a grammar exists for given language
* (and if grammarType was given, the existing grammar
* must also match the given grammar type)
* @memberOf LanguageManager#
function doCheckExistsGrammar(lang, grammarType) {
var langFiles = null;
var retValue = false;
if (lang) {
//check for existence of JSON grammar
if(!grammarType || grammarType === 'source'){
langFiles = commonUtils.listDir(res.getLanguagePath() + lang);
if (langFiles) {
if (langFiles.indexOf(res.getGrammarFileUrl()) > -1) {
retValue = true;
//check for existence of compiled grammar
if(!langFiles || !retValue && (!grammarType || grammarType === 'bin')){
langFiles = commonUtils.listDir(res.getGeneratedGrammarsPath().replace(/\/$/, ''));
var re = new RegExp(
typeof WEBPACK_BUILD !== 'undefined' && WEBPACK_BUILD?
'^mmirf/grammar/'+lang+'\\.js$' :
for(var i=langFiles.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){
retValue = true;
return retValue;
* Request grammar for the provided language.
* If there is no grammar available for the requested language, no new
* grammar is set.
* A grammar is available, if at least one of the following is true for the
* requested language
* <ul>
* <li>there exists a JSON grammar file (with correct name and at the
* correct location)</li>
* <li>there exists a compiled JavaScript grammar file (with correct name
* and at the correct location)</li>
* </ul>
* @function
* @param {String} lang The language of the grammar which should be loaded.
* @returns {String} The current grammar language
* @async
* @private
* @memberOf LanguageManager#
function requestGrammar(lang, doSetNextBestAlternative) {
if (semanticInterpreter.hasGrammar(lang) || doCheckExistsGrammar(lang)) {
return lang;
else if (doSetNextBestAlternative) {
// try to find a language, for which a grammar is available
var grammarLang = null;
if (languages.length > 0) {
// first: try to find a language with COMPILED grammar
for ( var i = 0, size = languages.length; i < size; ++i) {
grammarLang = languages[i];
if (semanticInterpreter.hasGrammar(grammarLang)) {
else {
grammarLang = null;
// ... otherwise: try to find a language with JSON grammar:
if (!grammarLang) {
for ( var i = 0, size = languages.length; i < size; ++i) {
grammarLang = languages[i];
if (doCheckExistsGrammar(grammarLang)) {
else {
grammarLang = null;
if (grammarLang) {
logger.warn('Could not find grammar for selected language ' + lang + ', using grammar for language ' + grammarLang + ' instead.');
else {'Could not find any grammar for one of [' + languages.join(', ') + '], disabling SemanticInterpret.');
return semanticInterpreter.getCurrentGrammar();
* @param {"dictionary" | "speechConfig" | "grammar"} type the type of the resource
* @param {String} lang the language code / ID
* @return {String} the resource ID for loading
function getResourceUri(type, lang){
if(typeof WEBPACK_BUILD !== 'undefined' && WEBPACK_BUILD){
// webpack ID: 'mmirf/settings/(dictionary|speechConfig|grammar)/<lang>'
var id = 'mmirf/settings/'+type.replace(/Config$/, '')+'/'+lang;
return __webpack_require__(id);
var funcName = 'get' + type[0].toUpperCase() + type.substring(1) + 'FileUrl';
return res[funcName](lang);
* Loads the speech-configuration for the specified language.
* @function
* @param {String} lang
* The language of the speech-configuration which should be loaded.
* @returns {String} The current language
* @async
* @private
* @memberOf LanguageManager#
function loadSpeechConfig(lang) {
if(_conf && _conf.speech && _conf.speech[lang]){
if(logger.isVerbose()) logger.verbose("loadSpeechConfig(): loaded configuration from module.config().speech["+lang+"] -> ", _conf.speech[lang]);
currentSpeechConfig = _conf.speech[lang];
return;/////////// EARLY EXIT ///////////////
var path = getResourceUri('speechConfig', lang);
async : false,
dataType : "json",
url : path,
success : function(data) {
if(logger.isVerbose()) logger.v("loadSpeechConfig("+lang+"): success -> ", data);
currentSpeechConfig = data;
error : function(_xhr, _statusStr, error) {
logger.error("loadSpeechConfig("+lang+"): Error loading speech configuration from \""+path+"\": " + error? error.stack? error.stack : error : ''); // error
return currentLanguage;
* Loads the dictionary for the specified language.
* @function
* @param {String} lang The language of the dictionary which should be loaded.
* @returns {String} The current language
* @async
* @private
* @memberOf LanguageManager#
function loadDictionary(lang) {
if(_conf && _conf.dictionary && _conf.dictionary[lang]){
if(logger.isVerbose()) logger.verbose("loadDictionary(): loaded configuration from module.config().dictionary["+lang+"] -> ", _conf.dictionary[lang]);
dictionary = _conf.dictionary[lang];
return;/////////// EARLY EXIT ///////////////
var path = getResourceUri('dictionary', lang);
async : false,
dataType : "json",
url : path,
success : function(data) {
if(logger.isVerbose()) logger.v("loadDictionary("+lang+"): success -> ", data);
dictionary = data;
error : function(_xhr, _statusStr, error) {
logger.error("loadDictionary("+lang+"): Error loading language dictionary from \""+path+"\": " + error? error.stack? error.stack : error : ''); // error
return currentLanguage;
* Translates a keyword using the current dictionary and returns the
* translation.
* @function
* @param {String} textVarName The keyword which should be looked up
* @returns {String} the translation of the keyword
* @private
* @memberOf LanguageManager#
function internalGetText(textVarName) {
var translated = "";
if (dictionary[textVarName] && dictionary[textVarName].length > 0) {
translated = dictionary[textVarName];
else if (textVarName === keyword_current_language){
translated = currentLanguage;
else {
translated = "undefined";
logger.warn("[Dictionary] '" + textVarName + "' not found in " + JSON.stringify(dictionary));
return translated;
* Constructor-Method of Singleton mmir.LanguageManager.<br>
* @constructs LanguageManager
* @memberOf LanguageManager#
* @private
* @ignore
function constructor() {
var _isInitialized = false;
/** @lends mmir.LanguageManager.prototype */
return {
* @param {String} [lang] OPTIONAL
* a language code for setting the current language and
* selecting the corresponding language resources
* @returns {Promise}
* a deferred promise that gets resolved when the language manager is initialized
* @memberOf mmir.LanguageManager.prototype
init: function(lang){
if (!lang && !currentLanguage) {
//try to retrieve language from configuration:
var appLang = configurationManager.get("language");
if (appLang) {
lang = appLang;"init(): No language argument specified: using language from configuration '" + appLang + "'.");
else {
appLang = res.getLanguage();
if (appLang) {
lang = appLang;"init(): No language argument specified: using language from mmir.res '" + appLang + "'.");
else {
if (languages.length > 0) {
appLang = this.determineLanguage(lang);
lang = appLang;"init() No language argument specified: used determinLanguage() for selecting language '" + appLang + "'.");
}//END: else(consts::lang)
}//END: else(config::lang)
logger.warn("init(): No language specified. And no language could be read from directory '" + res.getLanguagePath() + "'.");
}//END: if(!lang && !currentLanguage)
currentLanguage = lang;
// get all the languages/dictionaries by name
languages = commonUtils.listDir(res.getLanguagePath()) || [];
if (logger.isDebug()) logger.debug("init() Found dictionaries for: " + JSON.stringify(languages));
var defer = deferred();
} else if(logger.isDebug()){
logger.debug("init(): no dictionary for language " + lang);
} else if(logger.isDebug()){//TODO set/generate default speech-config?
logger.debug("init(): no speech-config (asr/tts) for language " + lang);
//DISABLED semanticInterpreter may not be initialized yet / grammars loaded yet -> do this in main-initialization (see main.js)
// requestGrammar(lang, true);//2nd argument TRUE: if no grammar is available for lang, try to find/set any available grammar
_isInitialized = true;
return defer;
* Returns the dictionary of the currently used language.
* @function
* @returns {Object} The JSON object for the dictionary of the
* currently used language
* @public
* @memberOf mmir.LanguageManager.prototype
getDictionary : function() {
return dictionary;
* @copydoc LanguageManager#doCheckExistsDictionary
* @function
* @public
* @memberOf mmir.LanguageManager.prototype
existsDictionary : doCheckExistsDictionary,
* Returns the speech configuration (for ASR/TTS) of the currently used language.
* @function
* @returns {Object} The JSON object for the speech-configuration of the
* currently used language
* @public
* @memberOf mmir.LanguageManager.prototype
getSpeechConfig : function() {
return currentSpeechConfig;
* @copydoc LanguageManager#doCheckExistsSpeechConfig
* @function
* @public
* @memberOf mmir.LanguageManager.prototype
existsSpeechConfig : doCheckExistsSpeechConfig,
* @copydoc LanguageManager#doCheckExistsGrammar
* @function
* @public
* @memberOf mmir.LanguageManager.prototype
existsGrammar : doCheckExistsGrammar,
* @copydoc LanguageManager#requestGrammar
* @function
* @protected
* @memberOf mmir.LanguageManager.prototype
_requestGrammar : requestGrammar,
* Chooses a language for the application.
* <p>
* The language selection is done as follows:
* <ol>
* <li>check if a default language exists<br>
* if it does and if both (!) grammar and dictionary exist for this
* language, return this language </li>
* <li>walk through all languages alphabetically
* <ol>
* <li>if for a language both (!) grammar and dictionary exist,
* return this language memorize the first language with a grammar
* (do not care, if a dictionary exists) </li>
* </ol>
* <li>test if a grammar exists for the default language - do not
* care about dictionaries - if it does, return the default language
* </li>
* <li>If a language was found (in Step 2.1) return this language
* </li>
* <li>If still no language is returned take the default language
* if it has a dictionary </li>
* <li>If a language exists, take it (the first one) </li>
* <li>Take the default language - no matter what </li>
* </ol>
* @function
* @returns {String} The determined language
* @public
* @memberOf mmir.LanguageManager.prototype
determineLanguage : function(lang) {
var tempLanguage = lang;
var firstLanguageWithGrammar = null;
// first check, if language - given in parameter - exists
if (tempLanguage != null) {
// check if both grammar and dictionary exist for given
// language
if (instance.existsGrammar(tempLanguage) && instance.existsDictionary(tempLanguage)) {
return tempLanguage;
tempLanguage = res.getLanguage();
// then check, if default language exists
if (tempLanguage != null) {
// check if both grammar and dictionary exist for default
// language
if (instance.existsGrammar(tempLanguage) && instance.existsDictionary(tempLanguage)) {
return tempLanguage;
// walk through the languages alphabetically
for ( var i = 0; i < languages.length; i++) {
tempLanguage = languages[i];
// check if a grammar and dictionary exists for every
// language
if (instance.existsGrammar(tempLanguage)) {
// memorize the first language with a grammar (for
// later)
if (firstLanguageWithGrammar == null) {
firstLanguageWithGrammar = tempLanguage;
if (instance.existsDictionary(tempLanguage)) {
return tempLanguage;
// still no language found - take the default language and test
// if a grammar exists
tempLanguage = res.getLanguage();
if (tempLanguage != null) {
// check if both grammar and dictionary exist for default
// language
if (instance.existsGrammar(tempLanguage)) {
return tempLanguage;
} else if (firstLanguageWithGrammar != null) {
return firstLanguageWithGrammar;
} else if (instance.existsDictionary(tempLanguage)) {
return tempLanguage;
// still no language - take the first one
tempLanguage = languages[0];
if (tempLanguage != null) {
return tempLanguage;
return res.getLanguage();
* @copydoc LanguageManager#doSetLanguage
* @function
* @public
* @memberOf mmir.LanguageManager.prototype
setLanguage : doSetLanguage,
* Gets the language currently used for the translation.
* @function
* @returns {String} The current language
* @public
* @memberOf mmir.LanguageManager.prototype
getLanguage : function() {
return currentLanguage;
* Gets the default language.
* @function
* @returns {String} The default language
* @public
* @memberOf mmir.LanguageManager.prototype
getDefaultLanguage : function() {
return res.getLanguage();
* Gets an array of all for the translation available languages.<br>
* @function
* @returns {String} An array of all for the translation available
* languages
* @public
* @memberOf mmir.LanguageManager.prototype
getLanguages : function() {
return languages;
* @copydoc LanguageManager#internalGetText
* @function
* @public
* @memberOf mmir.LanguageManager.prototype
getText : internalGetText,
* Get the language code setting for a specific plugin.
* Returns the default setting, if no specific setting for the specified plugin was defined.
* @public
* @param {String} pluginId
* @param {String|Array<String>} [feature] OPTIONAL
* dot-separate path String or "path Array"
* This parameter may be omitted, if no <code>separator</code> parameter
* is used.
* DEFAULT: "language" (the language feature)
* @param {String} [separator] OPTIONAL
* the speparator-string that should be used for separating
* the country-part and the language-part of the code
* @returns {String} the language-setting/-code
* @memberOf mmir.LanguageManager.prototype
getLanguageConfig : function(pluginId, feature, separator) {
logger.warn('no speech configuration ('+res.getSpeechConfigFileUrl()+') available for '+currentLanguage);
if(!feature || feature === 'language' || feature === 'long'){
return currentLanguage;
return void(0);
//if nothing is specfied:
// return default language-setting
if(typeof pluginId === 'undefined'){
return currentSpeechConfig.language; /////////// EARLY EXIT ///////////////
//ASSERT pluginId is defined
//default feature is language
if(typeof feature === 'undefined'){
feature = 'language';
var value;
if(currentSpeechConfig.plugins && currentSpeechConfig.plugins[pluginId] && typeof currentSpeechConfig.plugins[pluginId][feature] !== 'undefined'){
//if there is a plugin-specific setting for this feature
value = currentSpeechConfig.plugins[pluginId][feature];
else if(feature !== 'plugins' && typeof currentSpeechConfig[feature] !== 'undefined'){
//otherwise take the default setting (NOTE: the name "plugins" is not allowed for features!)
value = currentSpeechConfig[feature];
//fallback: if long language code was requested but neither plugin nor global long feature is available -> try to return language
if(typeof value === 'undefined' && feature === 'long'){
return this.getLanguageConfig(pluginId, 'language', separator);
//if there is a separator specified: replace default separator '-' with this one
if(value && typeof separator !== 'undefined'){
value = value.replace(/-/, separator);
return value;
* HELPER for dealing with specific language / country code quirks of speech services:
* Get the language code for a specific ASR or TTS service, that is if the service requires some
* specific codes/transformations, then the transformed code is retruned by this function
* (otherwise the unchanged langCode is returned).
* @public
* @param {String} providerName
* corrections for: "nuance" | "mary"
* @param {String} langCode
* the original language / country code
* @returns {String} the (possibly "fixed") language-setting/-code
* @memberOf mmir.LanguageManager.prototype
fixLang : function(providerName, langCode) {
return langCode;
if(providerName === 'nuance'){
//QUIRK nuanceasr short-language code for the UK is UK instead of GB:
// replace en-GB with en-UK if necessary (preserving separator char)
langCode = langCode.replace(/en(.)GB/i, 'en$1UK');
} else if(providerName === 'mary'){
//QUIRK marytts does not accept language+country code for German:
// must only be language code
langCode = 'de';
} else if(providerName === 'google' && langCode && langCode.length === 7){
//convert 3-letter codes to 2-letter codes for Google services
var m = /(\w\w)\w.(\w\w)\w/.exec(langCode);
langCode = m[1] + '-' + m[2];
return langCode;
};//END: return{}
}//END: construcor = function(){...
//FIXME as of now, the LanguageManager needs to be initialized,
// by calling init()
// -> should this be done explicitly (async-loading for dictionary and grammar? with returned Deferred?)
instance = new constructor();
return instance;