Source: manager/notificationManager.js

define(['mmirf/resources', 'mmirf/mediaManager', 'mmirf/logger', 'module'],
	 * @name NotificationManager
	 * @memberOf mmir
	 * @static
	 * @class
	 * @hideconstructor
	 * @requires mmir.MediaManager
		res, mediaManager, Logger, module
	//the next comment enables JSDoc2 to map all functions etc. to the correct class description
	/** @scope mmir.NotificationManager.prototype *///for jsdoc2

	//private members

	 * @private
	 * @memberOf NotificationManager#
	var isCordovaEnv = res.isCordovaEnv();

	 * @private
	 * @memberOf NotificationManager#
	var instance = null;

	 * @private
	 * @memberOf NotificationManager#
	var logger = Logger.create(module);

	//private methods

	 * Constructor-Method of Singleton mmir.NotificationManager.<br>
	 * @constructs NotificationManager
	 * @memberOf NotificationManager#
	 * @ignore
	function constructor(){

		 * @private
		 * @memberOf NotificationManager.prototype
		var INIT = 'init';

		 * VIBRATE initialization status
		 * @private
		 * @memberOf NotificationManager.prototype
		var isHapticEnabled = true;

		 * Implementation for vibrate-function:
		 * platform-dependent (if platform/device does not support it: as stub-function)
		 * @private
		 * @type {Function}
		 * @memberOf NotificationManager.prototype
		var doVibrate = null;

		 * Implementation for confirm-function:
		 * shows "native" platform-specific confirm-dialog.
		 * <code>function(message, confirmCallback, title, buttonLabels)</code>
		 * @private
		 * @type {Function}
		 * @memberOf NotificationManager.prototype
		var doConfirm = null;

		 * Implementation for confirm-function:
		 * shows "native" platform-specific alert-dialog.
		 * <code>(message, alertCallback, title, buttonName)</code>
		 * @private
		 * @type {Function}
		 * @memberOf NotificationManager.prototype
		var doAlert = null;

		 * Initialize the NotificationManager.
		 * At the moment this set the internal vibrate-function,
		 * if available in the current execution environment
		 * (or with a dummy function, if not).
		 * In addition, the alert-, and confirm-functions are set to their
		 * platform-specific implementation.
		 * @memberOf NotificationManager.prototype
		 * @private
		 * @function
		var _init = function(){

			var isNavigator = typeof navigator !== 'undefined';


//		    		logger.debug('Vibrate: navigator (API)');
					/** @ignore */
					doVibrate = function vibrate(n){ navigator.vibrate(n); };
				else if(navigator.notification && navigator.notification.vibrate){
//		    		logger.debug('Vibrate: navigator.notification');
					/** @ignore */
					doVibrate = function vibrate(n){ navigator.notification.vibrate(n); };
				else {
					logger.warn('INIT: could not detect navigator.notification.vibrate, using NOOP dummy instead.');
					/** @ignore */
					doVibrate = function dummyVibrate(n){ logger.warn('NotificationManager.vibrate('+n+') triggered in CORDOVA environment, but no VIBRATE functionality available.'); };

			else if (isNavigator && navigator.vibrate){
//	    		logger.debug('Vibrate API');
				/** @ignore */
				doVibrate = function vibrate(n){ navigator.vibrate(n); };
			else if (isNavigator && navigator.webkitVibrate){
//	    		logger.debug('Vibrate: webkit');
				/** @ignore */
				doVibrate = function vibrate(n){ navigator.webkitVibrate(n); };

			//set confirm-implementation
			if(isNavigator && navigator.notification && navigator.notification.confirm){
//	    		logger.debug('Confirm: navigator.notification');
				/** @ignore */
				doConfirm = function confirm(message, confirmCallback, title, buttonLabels){

					var cbWrapper = confirmCallback;
						var self = this;
						cbWrapper = function(result){
							//need to convert NUMBER result to BOOLEAN:
							//  result = [1,2,..]
							//  -> default is: OK = 1, CANCEL = 2, close-the-dialog = 0
							var res = result === 1 ? true : false;, res);

					navigator.notification.confirm(message, cbWrapper, title, buttonLabels);
			else if(typeof window !== 'undefined' && window && window.confirm) {
				/** @ignore */
				doConfirm = function confirmWindow(message, confirmCallback, _title, _buttonLabels){
					//TODO use setTimeout here to "simulate" async execution?
					var result = window.confirm(message);
					if(confirmCallback){, result);

			//set alert-implementation
			if(isNavigator && navigator.notification && navigator.notification.alert){
//	    		logger.debug('Alert: navigator.notification');
				/** @ignore */
				doAlert = function confirm(message, alertCallback, title, buttonLabels){
					navigator.notification.alert(message, alertCallback, title, buttonLabels);
			else if(typeof window !== 'undefined' && window && window.alert){
				/** @ignore */
				doAlert = function confirmWindow(message, alertCallback, _title, _buttonLabels){
					//TODO use setTimeout here to "simulate" async execution?

		//SOUND / BEEP initialization:

		 * @private
		 * @type Number
		 * @memberOf NotificationManager.prototype
		var beepVolume = 1.0;

		 * The Audio object for the <em>beep</em> sound.
		 * @private
		 * @type AudioObject
		 * @memberOf NotificationManager.prototype
		var beepAudio = null;

		 * Map for managing the currently loaded sounds
		 * @private
		 * @type Map
		 * @memberOf NotificationManager.prototype
		//TODO add option for limiting size of soundMap (-> e.g. how many resources are max. cached/occupied for Android)
		var soundMap = new Map();

		 * Factory function for creating "sounds objects",
		 * i.e. extend the basic Audio objects with needed functions/properties
		 * @private
		 * @function
		 * @param {} audioObj
		 * @param {String} name
		 * @returns {} the extended audio object, i.e. a NotificationSound
		 * @memberOf NotificationManager.prototype
		function initNotificationSound(audioObj, name){ = name;
			audioObj.isNotificationPlaying = false;
			audioObj.repeatNotification = 0;
			audioObj.playNotification = function(repeatNTimes){

//				logger.debug('isPlaying: '+this.isNotificationPlaying+', repeat: '+this.repeatNotification+',  args: '+repeatNTimes+'');

				//"blocking mode": only re-start, if not already playing
					this.repeatNotification = repeatNTimes ? repeatNTimes : 0;

				if( this.repeatNotification < 1){
					//end recurusion
					this.isNotificationPlaying = false;
					this.repeatNotification = 0;
				else {
					this.isNotificationPlaying = true;
//					this.stop();;

			audioObj.setCallbacks = function(onFinished, onError){
				this.onFinishedListener = onFinished;
				this.onErrorListener = onError;
			audioObj.clearCallbacks = function(){
				this.onFinishedListener = null;
				this.onErrorListener = null;
			audioObj.fireFinished = function(){

				var tempOnFinishedListener = this.onFinishedListener;
				//clear callbacks
				// NOTE: do this before triggering callback, in case the callback re-plays the notification with new callbacks!
				//       (if we would clear callbacks after invocation, we would delete the new callbacks!)
			audioObj.fireError = function(error){

				var tempOnErrorListener = this.onErrorListener;
				//clear callbacks
				// NOTE: do this before triggering callback, in case the callback re-plays the notification with new callbacks!
				//       (if we would clear callbacks after invocation, we would delete the new callbacks!)

				//create error message with details
				var id;
					var entry = soundMap.get(;
					id = '"' + + '" -> ' + (entry? '"'+entry.url+'"' : 'UNDEF');
				else {
					id = '"BEEP" -> "'+res.getBeepUrl()+'"';
				var msg = 'Notification: Error playing the sound for notification '+id;

				//create Error object if necessary
					error = new Error(msg);
					msg = null;

					tempOnErrorListener(error, msg);
				else {
					//if no callback: print debug output in error stream:
					logger.error( (msg? msg + ': ' : '') + error, error);

			return audioObj;

		 * Helper for creating an Audio object
		 * @private
		 * @function
		 * @param {String} url
		 * @param {Function} success
		 * @param {Function} fail
		 * @param {Function} init
		 * @returns {AudioObject} audio object
		 * @memberOf NotificationManager.prototype
		function createAudio(url, success, fail, init){
			return mediaManager.getURLAsAudio(url, success, fail, init);

		 * Helper for "registering" a NotificationSound.
		 * Stores the sound object in {@link #soundMap}
		 * with the ID <code>name</code>.
		 * The sound object will be initialized on first
		 * retrieval, ie. {@link #doGetSoundFromMap}
		 * @private
		 * @function
		 * @param {String} name
		 * @param {String} theUrl
		 * @param {Boolean} isKeepOnPause
		 * @memberOf NotificationManager.prototype
		function initAudioSoundEntry(name, theUrl, isKeepOnPause){
			var config = {url: theUrl, audio: null};
				config.isKeepOnPause = true;
			soundMap.set(name, config);

		 * Helper for retrieving an existing sound from
		 * the {@link #soundMap}.
		 * Initializes the sound if necessary.
		 * @private
		 * @function
		 * @param {String} name
		 * @param {Function} onErrorCallback
		 * @memberOf NotificationManager.prototype
		function doGetSoundFromMap(name, onErrorCallback){
			var audioObj = null;
			var audioUrl = null;
			var keepOnPause = false;

			//if no name: use default beep
				audioObj = beepAudio;
				audioUrl = res.getBeepUrl();
			else {
				//retrieve information for sound
				var soundEntry = soundMap.get(name);
				if(soundEntry === INIT){
					//TODO set repeat-times?

					//sound is still initializing -> return
					return null; ////////////////////// EARLY EXIT //////////////////////

					var errMsg = 'NotificationManager: no sound "'+name+'" initialized!';
					else {
//    				throw new Error(errMsg);
					return null; ////////////////////// EARLY EXIT //////////////////////

				audioObj =;//<- may be null
				audioUrl = soundEntry.url;//<- must NOT be null
				keepOnPause = soundEntry.isKeepOnPause? true : false;

			return {
				sound: audioObj,
				url: audioUrl,
				isKeepOnPause: keepOnPause

		 * Helper for playing a registered notification sound.
		 * Initializes the sound if necessary.
		 * @private
		 * @function
		 * @param {String} name
		 * 				ID of the sound
		 * @param {Number} times
		 * @param {Function} onFinishedCallback
		 * @param {Function} onErrorCallback
		 * @memberOf NotificationManager.prototype
		function playAudioSound(name, times, onFinishedCallback, onErrorCallback){

			var soundEntry = doGetSoundFromMap(name, onErrorCallback);

			if(soundEntry === null){
				//could not retrieve sound-object
				// (error callback will already have been invoked, so just return)
				return;/////////////////////// EARYL EXIT ///////////

			var audioObj = soundEntry.sound;
			var audioUrl = soundEntry.url;
			var isKeepOnPause = soundEntry.isKeepOnPause;

			//create audio-object, if not existing yet
			if(audioObj === null){

					soundMap.set(name, INIT);

				audioObj = createAudio(
						function onFinished(){

						function onError(e){
							if(name) {

							if(audioObj && audioObj.fireError){
							else {
								else {
									logger.error('Error playing the sound from "'+audioUrl+'": '+ (e && typeof e.code !== 'undefined'? 'code '+e.code : e), e);
						function onInit(){

							//FIX for Android/Cordova: return-value of createAudio will not set audioObj "fast enough"
							// 						   (i.e. may not use async-initialization, depending on where the audio-file is located)
							//						   ... in order to be able to use keep variable audioObj useful -> do assignment now/here
							audioObj = this;

							initNotificationSound(audioObj, name);
							audioObj.setCallbacks(onFinishedCallback, onErrorCallback);

							//if no name: assume default beep
								beepAudio = audioObj;
							else {
								var theEntry = {url: audioUrl, audio: audioObj};
									theEntry.isKeepOnPause = true;
								soundMap.set(name, theEntry);



//    			//FIXME this is a QUICK-FIX:
//    			//		Android needs invocation of a media-method, before it triggers the on-init callback.
//    			//		We need to do this here, not within the
//    			if(isCordovaEnv){
//    				audioObj.init();
//    			}
			else {
				audioObj.setCallbacks(onFinishedCallback, onErrorCallback);


		 * Helper for stop playing a registered notification sound.
		 * Initializes the sound if necessary.
		 * @private
		 * @function
		 * @param {String} name
		 * 				ID of the sound
		 * @param {Function} onFinishedCallback
		 * @param {Function} onErrorCallback
		 * @memberOf NotificationManager.prototype
		function stopAudioSound(name, onFinishedCallback, onErrorCallback){

			var soundEntry = doGetSoundFromMap(name, onErrorCallback);

//			logger.error('Notification: invoked stop on notification-sound '+name+' -> '+JSON.stringify(soundEntry));//FIXM debug

			if(soundEntry === null){
				//could not retrieve sound-object
				// (error callback will already have been invoked, so just return)
				return;/////////////////////// EARYL EXIT ///////////

			var audioObj = soundEntry.sound;
			//NOTE audioObj may be null, e.g. if sound is still initializing.

			if(audioObj != null){
				if(audioObj.repeatNotification > 0)
					audioObj.repeatNotification = 0;
				if(audioObj.isNotificationPlaying === true)
					audioObj.isNotificationPlaying = false;
//  				logger.verbose('Notification: stopping notification-sound -> '+name);



		//on Android: release resources on pause/exit, since they are limited

			document.addEventListener("resume", function(_event){
				//initialize beep sound:
				playAudioSound(null, 0);


						//use temporal variable for minimizing concurrency problems
						var temp;

						if(beepAudio !== null){

							temp = beepAudio;
							beepAudio = null;

							logger.debug('released media resources for beep.');


							if(entry !== null && entry != INIT && ! entry.isKeepOnPause){

								temp =;

								//audio may not be initialized yet:
								if(temp != null){ = null;

								if(logger.isd()) logger.debug('released media resources for '+entry.url);

		/** @lends mmir.NotificationManager.prototype */
		return { //public members and methods
			/** @scope mmir.NotificationManager.prototype */

			 * Trigger a haptic vibration feedback.
			 * <p>Note: The device / execution environment may not support haptic vibration feedback
			 * @function
			 * @param {Number} milliseconds
			 * 		duration for vibration in milliseconds. Must be <code>> 0</code>
			 * @public
			 * @memberOf mmir.NotificationManager.prototype
			vibrate: function(milliseconds){
				if (isHapticEnabled && doVibrate){
			 * Check if {@link #vibrate} is functional and enabled.
			 * <p>
			 * If <code>false</code> is returned, calling the <code>vibrate()</code>
			 * function will have no effect.
			 * @function
			 * @returns {Boolean} <code>true</code> if {@link #vibrate} is functional
			 * @public
			 * @memberOf mmir.NotificationManager.prototype
			isVibrateEnabled: function(){
				if (isHapticEnabled && doVibrate){
					return true;
				else {
					return false;
			 * Check if the execution environment supports {@link #vibrate}.
			 * <p>
			 * If <code>false</code> is returned, calling the <code>vibrate()</code>
			 * function will have no effect.
			 * @function
			 * @returns {Boolean} <code>true</code> if {@link #vibrate} is functional
			 * @public
			 * @memberOf mmir.NotificationManager.prototype
			isVibrateAvailable: function(){
				if (doVibrate){
					return true;
				else {
					return false;
			 * Enable or disable {@link #vibrate}.
			 * <p>
			 * NOTE: If {@ #isVibrateAvailable} returns <code>false</code>, enabling will have no effect.
			 * @function
			 * @public
			 * @param {Boolean} enabled
			 * 			set vibrate function to <code>enable</code>
			 * @memberOf mmir.NotificationManager.prototype
			setVibrateEnabled: function(enabled){
				isHapticEnabled = enabled;
			 * Opens a (native) alert-notification dialog.
			 * @param {String} message
			 * 				the alert message
			 * @param {Function} [alertCallback]
			 * 				callback that is triggered, after dialog was closed
			 * @param {String} [title] OPTIONAL
			 * 				the title for the alert dialog
			 * 				(may not be provided / settable in all execution environments)
			 * @param {String} [buttonName] OPTIONAL
			 * 				the label for the close button in the alert dialog
			 * 				(may not be provided / settable in all execution environments)
			 * @function
			 * @public
			 * @memberOf mmir.NotificationManager.prototype
			alert: function(message, alertCallback, title, buttonName){
				if(doAlert){, message, alertCallback, title, buttonName);
				else if(logger.isw()) {
					logger.warn('No alert dialog implementation available: (' + message + ', ' + alertCallback + ', ' + title + ', ' + buttonName + ')');
			 * Opens a (native) confirm-notification dialog.
			 * @param {String} message
			 * 				the confirm message
			 * @param {Function} [alertCallback]
			 * 				callback that is triggered, after dialog was closed.
			 * 				The callback will be invoked with 1 argument:<br>
			 * 				<code>callback(wasConfirmed : Boolean)</code><br>
			 * 				if the OK/CONFIRM button was pressed, <code>wasConfirmed</code>
			 * 				will be <code>true</code>, otherwise <code>false</code>.
			 * @param {String} [title] OPTIONAL
			 * 				the title for the confirm dialog
			 * 				(may not be provided / settable in all execution environments)
			 * @param {Array<String>} [buttonLabels] OPTIONAL
			 * 				the labels for the buttons of the confirm dialog
			 * 				(may not be provided / settable in all execution environments)
			 * @function
			 * @public
			 * @memberOf mmir.NotificationManager.prototype
			confirm: function(message, confirmCallback, title, buttonLabels){
				if(doConfirm){, message, confirmCallback, title, buttonLabels);
				else if(logger.isw()) {
					logger.warn('NotificationManager.confirm: No confirm dialog implementation available (' + message + ', ' + confirmCallback + ', ' + title + ', ' + (buttonLabels? JSON.stringify(buttonLabels) : buttonLabels) + ')');
			 * Trigger a beep notification sound.
			 * @function
			 * @param {Number} times
			 * 			how many times should to beep repeated
			 * @public
			 * @memberOf mmir.NotificationManager.prototype
			beep: function(times){
				if (times>0){
					playAudioSound(null, times);

			 * @memberOf mmir.NotificationManager.prototype
			getVolume: function(){
				return beepVolume;
			 * Set the volume for sound notifications.
			 * @param {Number} vol
			 * 			the new volume: a number between [0, 1]
			 * @see
			 * @memberOf mmir.NotificationManager.prototype
			setVolume: function(vol){
				if(typeof vol !== 'number'){
					throw new TypeError('argument vol (value: '+vol+') must be a number, but is instead: '+(typeof vol));

				if(vol !== beepVolume){

					//set volume for beep notification
					beepVolume = vol;

					//set volume for notification sounds
						if( !== null){;


			 * Trigger a sound notification by NAME (needs to be created first).
			 * @function
			 * @param {String} name
			 * 				the name / identifier for the sound (if <code>null</code>, beep notification is used)
			 * @param {Number} times
			 * 				how many times should to beep repeated
			 * @public
			 * @see #createSound
			 * @memberOf mmir.NotificationManager.prototype
			,playSound: function(name, times, onFinished, onError){
				if (times>0){
					playAudioSound(name, times, onFinished, onError);
			 * Create a sound notification.
			 * <p>
			 * After creation, the sound "theSoundId" can be played via
			 * <code>playSound("theSoundId", 1)</code>
			 * @function
			 * @param {String} name
			 * 			the name / identifier for the sound
			 * @param {String} url
			 * 			the URL for the audio of the sound
			 * @param {Boolean} [isKeepOnPause] OPTIONAL
			 * 			flag indicating, if the audio resources should be keept
			 * 			when the device goes into <em>pause mode</em>
			 * 			(may not apply to all execution environments;
			 * 			 e.g. relevant for Android environment)
			 * 			<br>
			 * 			DEFAULT: <code>false</code>
			 * @public
			 * @memberOf mmir.NotificationManager.prototype
			createSound: function(name, url, isKeepOnPause){ // TODO add callbacks? this would make the impl. more complex ..., successCallback, errorCallback){
				initAudioSoundEntry(name, url, isKeepOnPause);

				//DISABLED this triggers an error if MediaManager / LanguageManager etc. are not initialized yet!
//            	logger.error('created sound "'+name+'" for url "'+url+'", calling from: ' + new Error().stack);
//            	//immediately initialize the sound (but do not play it yet);
//            	playAudioSound(name, 0);
			 * Stop a sound notification, if it is playing.
			 * Has no effect, if the notification is not playing.
			 * @function
			 * @param {String} name
			 * 			the name / identifier for the sound
			 * @memberOf mmir.NotificationManager.prototype
			,stopSound: function(name){
			 * <em>used by framework to initialize the default beep-sound</em>
			 * @private
			 * @memberOf mmir.NotificationManager.prototype
			, initBeep: function(){
				//initialize beep sound:
				playAudioSound(null, 0);
			 * Initialize a sound notification.
			 * <p>
			 * NOTE a sound does not need to be explicitly initialized, <code>playSound</code> will
			 * automatically initialize the sound if necessary.
			 * <p>
			 * Initializing a sound prepares all resources, so that the sound can be immediately played.
			 * For instance, a sound that needs to loaded from a remote server first, may take some time
			 * before it can be played.
			 * <p>
			 * NOTE the sound must be {@link #createSound|created} first, before initializing it.
			 * @function
			 * @param {String} name
			 * 			the name / identifier for the sound
			 * @public
			 * @see #createSound
			 * @memberOf mmir.NotificationManager.prototype
			, initSound: function(name){
				//initialize sound (identified by its name):
				playAudioSound(name, 0);
			 * <em>used by framework to initialize the NotificationManager</em>
			 * @memberOf mmir.NotificationManager.prototype
			, init: function(){//<- used by framework to initialize the NotificationManager
				this.init = function(){ return this; };

				return this;

	instance = new constructor();

	return instance;

});//END: define(..., function(){...