Source: manager/dialog/engineConfig.js

 * Factory for creating the state-machine's <em>raise()</em> function.
 * Creates implementation for the state-engine's
 * <pre>
 * {
 * 		name: STRING        // engine name / description
 * 		doc: STRING         // the URL to the SCXML document that holds the engine's definition
 * 		evalScript: BOOLEAN // true
 * 		onraise: FUNCTION   // default impl. for onraise: print debug output (depending on logging-level for DialogEngine / InputEngine)
 * 		onload: FUNCTION    // default impl. handling initialization of state-engine after SCXML definition was loaded
 * 		raise: FUNCTION     // default impl. for raise-function: use execution-queue for allowing raise-invocations from within SCXML scripts
 * }
 * </pre>
 * @class StateEngineFactory
 * @memberOf mmir.state
 * @hideconstructor
 * @requires cordova.plugins.queuePlugin [Cordova/android]: needed for Android before 4.4 -> Cordova plugin for non-WebWorker-based execution-queue
 * or
 * @requires Worker (WebWorker) on window or global object
 * or
 * @requires setTimeout (fallback/stub implementation)
define(['mmirf/resources', 'mmirf/scionEngine', 'mmirf/asyncUtils', 'mmirf/util/extend', 'require'], function(resources, createScionEngine, asyncUtils, extend, require) {

	 * HELPER logging for state-changes
	 * @param {Engine} ctx
	 * 				the context for the state-machine, i.e. the DialogEngine or InputEngine instance
	 * @memberOf mmir.state.StateEngineFactory#
	var printDebugStates = function(ctx){
		ctx._logger.debug(, 'current state: ' + JSON.stringify(ctx.getStates()));
		ctx._logger.debug(, 'active states: ' + JSON.stringify(ctx.getActiveStates()));
		ctx._logger.debug(, 'active events: ',+ JSON.stringify(ctx.getActiveEvents()));
		ctx._logger.debug(, 'active transitions: '+ JSON.stringify(ctx.getStates()) + ":"+ JSON.stringify(ctx.getActiveTransitions()));

	 * Factory for base / default implementation for state-engine, returns
	 * <pre>
	 * {
	 * 		name: STRING        // engine name / description
	 * 		doc: STRING         // the URL to the SCXML document that holds the engine's definition
	 * 		evalScript: BOOLEAN // true
	 * 		onraise: FUNCTION   // default impl. for onraise: print debug output (depending on logging-level for DialogEngine / InputEngine)
	 * 		onload: FUNCTION    // default impl. handling initialization of state-engine after SCXML definition was loaded
	 * 		raise: FUNCTION     // raise-function created by envFactory(_instance)
	 * }
	 * </pre>
	 * @param {Engine} _engine
	 * 				the instance of the SCION state-machine
	 * @param {ExecFactory} envFactory
	 * 				the factory for creating the Worker/Thread and the raise() function
	 * @returns the implementation with raise-function
	 * @memberOf mmir.state.StateEngineFactory#
	var _baseFactory = function(_instance, envFactory){
		/** @class StateEngineDefaultImpl
		 * @memberOf mmir.state
		return /** @lends mmir.state.StateEngineDefaultImpl# */ {

			/** @type String
			 * @memberOf  mmir.state.StateEngineDefaultImpl#
			name : : 'base_engine',

			/** @type String */
			doc : null,

			/** @function */
			onraise : function() {

				if (this._logger.isd()) {


			/** @type Boolean */
			evalScript : true,

			/** @function */
			onload : function(scion, deferred) {

				//FIX (russa) for jQuery > 2.x: extend() uses isPlainObject(), which's impl. changed in 2.x
				//                  -> isPlainObject() now requires a constructor that is different from the native Object.constructor
				//					   in order to be able to detect, that an object is NOT a plain object
				//					   ... but scion does not provide such a non-native constructor for its _scion property
				//					   (which causes deep-copy in extend() to run into an infinite loop)
				// QUICK-FIX: just attach a dummy constructor function, so that isPlainObject will correctly detect property
				//            _scion as not-a-plain-object (this should really be FIXed in the scion library itself...)
				//TODO russa: check if we really need a deep copy here (maybe we should make a copy TO scion and replace _instance with the ext. scion obj. ...?)
				if(scion['_scion']) scion['_scion'].constructor = function dummy(){};//NOTE _scion only does exist on old SCION lib version!

				extend(_instance, scion);
				_instance.__proto__ = scion.constructor.prototype;//FIX: in newer SCION implementations we need the prototype too

				_instance.worker = envFactory.createWorker(_instance, _instance.gen);//_instance._genFuncFactory(_instance, _instance.gen);

				//FIXME @russa: is this a general functionality? should this be removed?
				if (!_instance.evalScript){

				// delete _instance.gen;
				delete _instance.evalScript;



			},//END: onload

			/** @function */
			raise: envFactory.createRaise(_instance),

			/** @function */
			destroy: function(){

	 * Factory for WebWorker-based implementation of raise function.
	 * Provide creator-functions:
	 * <code>createWorker(_engineInstance, genFunc) : WebWorker</code>
	 * <code>createRaise(_engineInstance) : Function</code>
	 * @class StateEngineWebWorkerImpl
	 * @memberOf mmir.state.StateEngineFactory
	 * @requires workers/scion-queue
	var _browserFactory = /** @lends mmir.stateStateEngineFactory.StateEngineWebWorkerImpl# */ {

		 * @type {String}
 		 * @memberOf  mmir.stateStateEngineFactory.StateEngineWebWorkerImpl
		name: 'webworkerGen',
		 * @type {Array<{_engineId: number, _engineInstance: ScionEngine, _engineGen: Function}>}
 		 * @memberOf  mmir.stateStateEngineFactory.StateEngineWebWorkerImpl
		engines: [],
		/** @function */
		workerConstructor: void(0),
		/** @type Worker */
		workerInstance: void(0),
		/** @function */
		createWorkerInstance: function() {

			var scionQueueWorker = new this.workerConstructor(
				typeof WEBPACK_BUILD !== 'undefined' && WEBPACK_BUILD?
						void(0) :
						resources.getWorkerPath()+ 'scionQueueWorker.js'

			scionQueueWorker._engines = this.engines;

			asyncUtils.onMessage(scionQueueWorker, function(evt) {

				if ( == 'processNextJob') {
					var jobData =;
					var engine = this._engines[jobData.engineId];
					var inst = engine._engineInstance;

						inst._logger.debug('raising: ' + jobData.event);
					}, jobData.event, jobData.eventData);

					// after gen-call has finished, notify worker queue to
					// process next job (if there is any):
						command: 'finishedJob',
						engineId: this._engineId


			// if worker implementation supports unref(), do "declare" that program
			// should exit even if the worker is still running:
			if(typeof scionQueueWorker.unref === 'function'){

			if(typeof scionQueueWorker.terminate === 'function'){
				scionQueueWorker.destroy = function(){
			} else {
				scionQueueWorker.destroy = function(){};

			scionQueueWorker.addEngine = function(engineEntry){
				var id = this._engines.length;
				engineEntry._engineId = id;

			scionQueueWorker.removeEngine = function(engineEntry){
				this._engines.splice(engineEntry._engineId, 1);

			this.workerInstance = scionQueueWorker;

			return scionQueueWorker;
		/** @function */
		createWorker: function(instance, gen) {

			var workerInstance = this.workerInstance || this.createWorkerInstance();

			var scionQueueWorker = {
				_engineId: -1,
				_engineInstance: instance,
				_engineGen: gen,
				_workerInstance: workerInstance,
				destroy: function(){

					if(this._workerInstance._engines.length === 0){
					} else {
							command: 'destroyQueue',
							engineId: this._engineId



			return scionQueueWorker;

		/** @function */
		createRaise: function(instance){
			return function(event, eventData) {

				if (this._logger.isd()){
					this._logger.debug('new Job: ' + event);

					command: 'queueJob',
					engineId: this._engineId,
					job: {
						engineId: instance.worker._engineId,
						event: event,
						eventData: eventData


	 * Factory for CordovaPlugin-based implementation of raise function.
	 * Provide creator-functions:
	 * <code>createWorker(_engineInstance, genFunc) : WebWorker</code>
	 * <code>createRaise(_engineInstance) : Function</code>
	 * @requires cordova.plugins.queuePlugin (Cordova plugin for execution-queue)
	 * @class StateEngineQueuePluginImpl
	 * @memberOf mmir.state.StateEngineFactory
	var _queuePluginFactory = /** @lends  mmir.state.StateEngineFactory.StateEngineQueuePluginImpl# */ {

		/** @memberOf  mmir.state.StateEngineFactory.StateEngineQueuePluginImpl# */
		name: 'queuepluginGen',
		/** @function */
		createWorker: (function initWorkerFactory() {

			//"global" ID-list for all queues (i.e. ID-list for all engines)
			var callBackList = [];

			return function workerFactory(_instance, gen){

				var id = callBackList.length;
				var execQueue = window.cordova.plugins.queuePlugin;

				function successCallBackHandler(args){
					if (args.length===2){
//	  					console.debug('QueuePlugin: success '+ JSON.stringify(args[0]) + ', '+JSON.stringify(args[1]));//DEBUG

				function failureFallbackHandler(_err){

					_instance._logger.error('failed to initialize SCION extension for ANDROID env');
					_instance.worker = (function(gen){
						return {
							raiseCordova: function fallback(event, eventData){
								setTimeout(function(){, event, eventData);
								}, 10);
					})();//END: fallback

					var inst = _instance;
					if(inst._logger.isv()) inst._logger.debug('raising:'+ data.event);
					var generatedState =, data.event, data.eventData);
					if(inst._logger.isv()) inst._logger.debug('QueuePlugin: processed event '+id+' for '+ data.event+' -> new state: '+JSON.stringify(generatedState)+ ' at ' + inst.url);
					execQueue.readyForJob(id, successCallBackHandler, failureFallbackHandler);


				execQueue.newQueue(id, function(_args){
						if(_instance._logger.isv()) _instance._logger.debug('QueuePlugin: entry '+id+' created.' + ' at ' + _instance.url);
					}, failureFallbackHandler

				return {
					_engineInstance: _instance,
					raiseCordova: function (event, eventData){
						if(this._engineInstance._logger.isv()) this._engineInstance._logger.debug('QueuePlugin: new Job: '+ id + ' at ' + this._engineInstance.url);
						execQueue.newJob(id, {event: event, eventData: eventData}, successCallBackHandler,failureFallbackHandler);

			};//END: workerFactory(_instance, gen)

		})(),//END: initWorkerFactory()

		/** @function */
		createRaise: function(_instance){
			return function(event, eventData) {

				if (eventData) _instance._logger.log('new Job:' + event);

				_instance.worker.raiseCordova(event, eventData);


	 * Factory for stub/dummy implementation of raise function.
	 * Provide creator-functions:
	 * <code>createWorker(_engineInstance, genFunc) : WebWorker</code>
	 * <code>createRaise(_engineInstance) : Function</code>
	 * @requires cordova.plugins.queuePlugin (Cordova plugin for execution-queue)
	 * @class StateEngineStubImpl
	 * @memberOf mmir.state.StateEngineFactory
	var _stubFactory = /** @lends  mmir.state.StateEngineFactory.StateEngineStubImpl# */ {

		/** @memberOf  mmir.state.StateEngineFactory.StateEngineStubImpl# */
		name: 'stubGen',
		/** @function */
		createWorker: function(_instance, gen) {

			return {
				_engineGen: gen,
				_engineInstance: _instance,
				raiseStubImpl: function fallback(event, eventData){
					_instance._engineRaiseTimeout = setTimeout(function(){, event, eventData);
					}, 50);
				destroy: function(){

		/** @function */
		createRaise: function(_instance){
			return function(event, eventData) {

				if (eventData) _instance._logger.log('new Job:' + event);

				_instance.worker.raiseStubImpl(event, eventData);

	 * Get factory for raise-impl. depending on the runtime environment.
	 * Currently there are 3 impl. available
	 *  * WebWorker
	 *  * Android QueuePlugin
	 * @memberOf mmir.state.StateEngineFactory#
	function getScionEnvFactory(){

		var ctx = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : this;
		var hasWebWorkers = ctx && typeof ctx.Worker !== 'undefined';

		//TODO make this configurable? through ConfigurationManager?
				_browserFactory.workerConstructor = typeof WEBPACK_BUILD !== 'undefined' && WEBPACK_BUILD? require('../../workers/scionQueueWorker.js') : ctx.Worker;
			return _browserFactory; //_browser;
		else {
			var isCordovaEnv = resources.isCordovaEnv();
			//if queue-plugin is available:
			if(isCordovaEnv && cordova.plugins && cordova.plugins.queuePlugin){
				return _queuePluginFactory;//_cordova;
			else {
				//otherwise use fallback:
				return _stubFactory;//_stub;


	 * no-op function for dummy logger
	 * @memberOf mmir.state.StateEngineFactory#
	function noop(){};
	 * always-false function for dummy logger
	 * @memberOf mmir.state.StateEngineFactory#
	function deny(){return false;};
//    /**
//     * print-warning function for dummy logger
//     * @memberOf mmir.state.StateEngineFactory#
//     */
//	function pw(){console.warn.apply(console,arguments);};
	 * print-error function for dummy logger
	 * @memberOf mmir.state.StateEngineFactory#
	function pe(){console.error.apply(console,arguments);};
	 * dummy logger that does nothing:
	 * the engine-creator should replace this with a "real" implementation
	 * e.g. something like this (see also init() in dialogManager):
	 * @example
	 *  engine = require('mmirf/engineConfig')('some-url', 'some-mode');
	 *  engine._logger = require('mmirf/logger').create('my-module-id');
	 * @class StubLogger
	 * @memberOf mmir.state.StateEngineFactory
	var nolog = /** @lends mmir.state.StateEngineFactory.StubLogger# */ {
		/** @memberOf mmir.state.StateEngineFactory.StubLogger# */
		d: noop,
		/** @function */
		debug: noop,
		/** @function */
		w: noop,//pw,
		/** @function */
		warn: noop,//pw,
		/** @function */
		e: pe,
		/** @function */
		error: pe,
		/** @function */
		log: noop,
		/** @function */
		isVerbose: deny,
		/** @function */
		isv: deny,
		/** @function */
		isDebug: deny,
		/** @function */
		isd: deny

	 * Exported factory function for creating / adding impl. to SCION engine instance
	 * @memberOf mmir.state.StateEngineFactory#
	return function create(url, _mode) {

		var baseFactory = _baseFactory;
		var scionEnvConfig = getScionEnvFactory();

		var _instance = {url: url,_logger: nolog};
		var scionConfig = baseFactory(_instance,  scionEnvConfig);

		scionConfig.doc = url;
		_instance = createScionEngine(scionConfig, _instance);

		return _instance;
