define(['mmirf/controller', 'mmirf/resources', 'mmirf/commonUtils', 'mmirf/util/deferred', 'mmirf/logger', 'module' ],
* A class for managing the controllers of the application. <br>
* It's purpose is to load the controllers and their views / partials and provide functions to find controllers or
* perform actions or helper-actions.
* This "class" is structured as a singleton - so that only one instance is in use.<br>
* @class
* @name mmir.ControllerManager
* @static
* @hideconstructor
Controller, res, commonUtils, deferred, Logger, module
//the next comment enables JSDoc2 to map all functions etc. to the correct class description
/** @scope mmir.ControllerManager.prototype */
* The logger for the ControllerManager.
* @private
* @memberOf mmir.ControllerManager
var logger = Logger.create(module);//initialize with requirejs-module information
* Initialize ControllerManager:
* Load all Controllers from /controller
* that are specified in /gen/directories.json
* @function
* @param {Function} [callback] OPTIONAL
* an optional callback that will be triggered after the controllers where loaded
* @param {Object} [ctx] OPTIONAL
* the context for the controller & helper implementations (DEFAULT: the global context, i.e. window)
* @returns {Promise}
* a Deferred promise that will get fulfilled when controllers are loaded
* @private
* @memberOf mmir.ControllerManager#
function _init(callback, ctx, _instance, ctrlList) {
//shift arguments if necessary:
if(!ctx && typeof callback !== 'function'){
ctx = callback;
callback = void(0);
//set ctx to global/window, if not already set:
ctx = ctx || (typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : this);
//create return value
var defer = deferred();
defer.then(callback, callback);
* HELPER FUNC: remove file extension from file-name
* @private
* @memberOf mmir.ControllerManager#
function removeFileExt(fileName){
return fileName.replace(/\.[^.]+$/g,'');
* HELPER FUNC: convert first letter to upper case
* @private
* @memberOf mmir.ControllerManager#
function firstToUpperCase(name){
return name[0].toUpperCase()+name.substr(1);
* HELPER FUNC: add file path for generated / compiled view-element
* if it exists.
* @param {String} genDirPath
* path the the directory, where the file for the generated view-element
* is potentially located (generated file may not exists)
* @param {PlainObject} infoObj
* the info-object for the view-element. MUST HAVE property <code>name</code>!
* @param {String} [fileNamePrefix] OPTIONAL
* prefix for the file-name, e.g. in case of Partials, the file-name would be:
* <code>fileNamePrefix +</code> (+ file-extension)
* @returns {PlainObject}
* the info-object: if a path for the generated file exists,
* a property <code>genPath</code> (String) with the path as value is added.
* @private
* @memberOf mmir.ControllerManager#
function addGenPath(genDirPath, infoObj, fileNamePrefix){
return infoObj;
var prefix = fileNamePrefix? fileNamePrefix : '';
var filter = prefix + + '.js';
var path = genDirPath + '/';
if(typeof WEBPACK_BUILD !== 'undefined' && WEBPACK_BUILD){
path = '';
filter = new RegExp('^mmirf/view/[^/]+/'+filter+'$', 'i');
var genPath = commonUtils.listDir(genDirPath, filter);
if(genPath && genPath.length > 0){
infoObj.genPath = path + genPath[0];
return infoObj;
* HELPER FUNC: parse file list and extract info for view/partial/layout/helper.
* @param {String} dirPath
* path the the directory, where the (source) file is located,
* e.g. eHTML template or JS helper implementation
* @param {String} genDirPath
* path the the directory, where the file for the generated view-element
* is potentially located (generated file may not exists)
* @param {QueryFilter} queryFilter
* the filter for querying (i.e. filtering) <code>commonUtils.listDir()</code>:
* queryFilter.nameStart: {String} an regular expression that the file-name must match (or empty string, if all file-names should match)
* queryFilter.ext: {String} the file-extension that should match, with dot e.g. "js" or "ehtml"
* @param {String} [removeNamePrefix] OPTIONAL
* prefix of the file-name which should be removed when extracting the, e.g. in case of Partials:
* <code>removeFileExt(fileName) === removeNamePrefix +</code> (+ file-extension)
* @param {RegExp} [regExpFileFilter] OPTIONAL
* regular expression for filtering the fileList, i.e. only files that match the expression will be
* included in the returned list of FileInfo objects
* @returns {Array<FileInfo>}
* list of file-info objects:
* {String} the name that will be used to identify the resource
* FileInfo.path: {String} the path to the source file, e.g. for loading the resource
* FileInfo.genPath: {String} the path to generated/executable resource
* @private
* @memberOf mmir.ControllerManager#
function processFileList(dirPath, genDirPath, queryFilter, removeNamePrefix, regExpFileFilter){
if(removeNamePrefix && typeof removeNamePrefix === 'object'){
regExpFileFilter = removeNamePrefix;
removeNamePrefix = '';
} else {
removeNamePrefix = removeNamePrefix || '';
var isSourceList = true;
var queryFileName = queryFilter.nameStart? '^' + queryFilter.nameStart + '.*' : '';
var fileList = commonUtils.listDir(dirPath, new RegExp(queryFileName + '\\.' + queryFilter.ext + '$', 'i'));
var wpBuild = typeof WEBPACK_BUILD !== 'undefined' && WEBPACK_BUILD;
// -> query gen-dir instead
isSourceList = false;
//NOTE in webpack build the entry is not a file-name, but a module ID, like "mmirf/view/application/login.js"
queryFileName = queryFilter.nameStart? '^mmirf/view/[^/]+/' + queryFilter.nameStart + '[^/]*' : '';;
//NOTE file-extension in gen-dir is always .js
fileList = commonUtils.listDir(genDirPath, new RegExp(queryFileName+ '\\.js$', 'i'));
var infoList = [], entry, name;
if (fileList != null) {
for (var i = 0, size = fileList.length; i < size; ++i) {
entry = fileList[i];
if(!regExpFileFilter || regExpFileFilter.test(entry)){
name = removeFileExt(!removeNamePrefix? entry : entry.replace(removeNamePrefix, ''));
infoList.push(addGenPath(genDirPath, {
name: wpBuild? name.replace(/^.*\//, '') : name, //<- in webpack build: remove everything from ID (i.e. the name) except for the last segement
path: isSourceList? (wpBuild? entry : dirPath + '/' + entry) : null,
genPath: isSourceList? null : (wpBuild? entry : genDirPath + '/' + entry) //<- in webpack build the genPath is the module ID, otherwise it's the path to the generated file
}, removeNamePrefix));
return infoList;
* HELPER get first entry from FileInfo list and transform its name (i.e. so that first letter is upper case)
* @param {Array<FileInfo>} infoList the list of FileInfo objects
* @param {String} type the type of resources listed in infoList, e.g. "layout" or "helper"
* @return {FileInfo} the first FileInfo object or NULL
function getFirstInfo(infoList, type){
var len = infoList.length;
if(len > 1){
logger.warn('Invalid number of '+type+': only 1 is allowed, using first of list ...');
if(len >= 1){
var info = infoList[0]; = firstToUpperCase(;
return info;
return null;
* This function gets the controller file names and builds a JSON object containing information about
* the location, file name etc. for the controller itself, its views, partials, layout, and helper.
* @function
* @param {String} controllerName
* the name of the Controller (must start with an upper case letter).
* @param {String} controllerPath
* the path (URL) where the file with the Controller's implementation
* is located (according to information in file <code>/gen/directories.json</code>,
* i.e. {@link mmir.CommonUtils#getDirectoryStructure})
* @returns {JSON} JSON-Object containing information about the controller,
* its views, partials, and paths etc.
* @private
* @example
* //EXAMPLE for returned object:
* {
* "fileName": "application",
* "name": "Application",
* "path": "controllers/application.js",
* "views": [
* {
* "name": "login",
* "path": "views/application/login.ehtml",
* "genPath": "gen/view/application/login.js"
* },
* {
* "name": "registration",
* "path": "views/application/registration.ehtml",
* "genPath": "gen/view/application/registration.js"
* },
* {
* "name": "welcome",
* "path": "views/application/welcome.ehtml",
* "genPath": "gen/view/application/welcome.js"
* }
* ],
* "partials": [
* {
* "name": "languageMenu",
* "path": "views/application/~languageMenu.ehtml",
* "genPath": "gen/view/application/~languageMenu.js"
* }
* ],
* "helper": {
* "name": "ApplicationHelper",
* "path": "helpers/applicationHelper.js",
* "genPath": "helpers/applicationHelper.js"
* },
* "layout": {
* "name": "application",
* "path": "views/layouts/application.ehtml",
* "genPath": "gen/view/layouts/application.js"
* }
* }
* //NOTE: layout and helper may be NULL
* @requires mmir.CommonUtils
* @requires mmir.Resources
* @memberOf mmir.ControllerManager#
function getControllerResources(controllerName, controllerPath){
var partialsPrefix = commonUtils.getPartialsPrefix();
var controllerFilePath = controllerPath + controllerName;
var rawControllerName= removeFileExt(controllerName);
controllerName = rawControllerName;
var viewsPath = res.getViewPath() + controllerName;
var genViewsPath = res.getCompiledViewPath() + controllerName;
controllerName = firstToUpperCase(controllerName);
var viewsList = processFileList(viewsPath, genViewsPath, {nameStart: '(?!'+partialsPrefix+')', ext: 'ehtml'});
var partialsInfoList = processFileList(viewsPath, genViewsPath, {nameStart: partialsPrefix, ext: 'ehtml'}, partialsPrefix);
var helpersPath = res.getHelperPath().replace(/\/$/, '');//<- remove trailing slash;
var helperSuffix = res.getHelperSuffix();
var reStartPattern = typeof WEBPACK_BUILD !== 'undefined' && WEBPACK_BUILD? '^mmirf/helper/' : '^';
var reHelpersFileName = new RegExp(reStartPattern+controllerName+helperSuffix+'\.js$', 'i');
var helpersList = processFileList(helpersPath, helpersPath, {nameStart: '', ext: 'js'}, reHelpersFileName);
var helperInfo = getFirstInfo(helpersList, 'helper');
var layoutsPath = res.getLayoutPath().replace(/\/$/, '');//<- remove trailing slash
var layoutGenPath = res.getCompiledLayoutPath().replace(/\/$/, '');//<- remove trailing slash
var reStartsWithCtrl = new RegExp('^'+controllerName, 'i');
var layoutsList = processFileList(layoutsPath, layoutGenPath, {nameStart: '(?!'+partialsPrefix+')', ext: 'ehtml'}, reStartsWithCtrl);
var layoutInfo = getFirstInfo(layoutsList, 'layout');
var ctrlInfo = {
fileName: rawControllerName,
name: controllerName,
path: controllerFilePath,
views: viewsList,
partials: partialsInfoList,
helper: helperInfo,
layout: layoutInfo
// //TEST compare info with "reference" result from original impl.:
// var test = {
// application: '{"fileName":"application","name":"Application","path":"controllers/application","views":[{"name":"login","path":"views/application/login.ehtml"},{"name":"registration","path":"views/application/registration.ehtml"},{"name":"welcome","path":"views/application/welcome.ehtml"}],"partials":[{"name":"languageMenu","path":"views/application/~languageMenu.ehtml"}],"helper":null,"layout":null}',
// calendar: '{"fileName":"calendar","name":"Calendar","path":"controllers/calendar","views":[{"name":"create_appointment","path":"views/calendar/create_appointment.ehtml"}],"partials":[],"helper":null,"layout":null}'
// };
// var isEqual = (JSON.stringify(ctrlInfo) === test[ctrlInfo.fileName]);
// console[isEqual? 'info':'error']('compliance-test: isEual? '+ isEqual);
// console.log(' ######## ctrlInfo -> ', JSON.stringify(ctrlInfo));
return ctrlInfo;
* HELPER create the controller instance after its implementation was loaded/is available in ctx or via argument result
* After the controller instance was initialized, it is added to ctrlList (with its name as key)
* @param {String} fileName the name of the controller's file: application.js -> Controller<Appliction>
* @param {any|Function} result the result of loading the controller implementation, i.e. its constructor function; if undefined, the constructor must be available in ctx in ctx[<controller name>]
* @memberOf mmir.ControllerManager#
function createCtrlInstance(fileName, result){
var ctrlInfo = getControllerResources(fileName, res.getControllerPath());
var constr = ctx[];
//FIXME HACK for handling exported constructor
if(typeof result === 'function' && ==={
constr = result;
var controller = new Controller(, ctrlInfo, constr);
var helperPath = ctrlInfo.helper.path;
var helperName =;
controller.loadHelper(helperName,helperPath, ctx);
ctrlList.set(controller.getName(), controller);'[loadController] "'+fileName+'" loaded.');
function () { '[loadControllers] done' );
function isAlreadyLoaded (name) {
if(typeof ctx[name] === 'function' && ctx[name].name === firstToUpperCase(name)){
//controller implementation was already loaded -> immediately create controller instance
if(logger.isVerbose()) logger.v("already loaded implementation for "+name+", creating instance...");//debug
createCtrlInstance(name, ctx[name]);
return true;
return false;
function callbackStatus(status, fileName, msg, result) {
createCtrlInstance(fileName, result);
else if(status==='warning'){
logger.warn('[loadController] "'+fileName+'": '+msg);
else if(status==='error'){
logger.error('[loadController] "'+fileName+'": '+msg);
logger.error('[loadController] '+status+' (UNKNOWN STATUS) -> "'+fileName+'": '+msg);
return defer;
* create ControllerManager instance
* @type controllerManagerFactory
* @private
* @memberOf mmir.ControllerManager#
var _create = function(){
// private members
* Array of controller-instances
* @type Map
* @private
* @memberOf mmir.ControllerManager#
var controllers = new Map();
* Object containing the instance of the class {@link mmir.ControllerManager}
* @type Object
* @private
* @augments mmir.ControllerManager
* @ignore
var _instance = {
/** @scope mmir.ControllerManager.prototype *///for jsdoc2
// public members
* This function gets the controller by name.
* @function
* @param {String} ctrlName Name of the controller which should be returned
* @returns {mmir.ctrl.Controller} controller if found, null else
* @public
* @memberOf mmir.ControllerManager.prototype
get: function(ctrlName){
var ctrl = controllers.get(ctrlName);
return null;
return ctrl;
* This function returns names of all loaded controllers.
* @function
* @returns {Array<String>} Names of all loaded controllers
* @public
* @memberOf mmir.ControllerManager.prototype
getNames: function(){
return Array.from(controllers.keys());
* This function performs an action of a controller.
* @function
* @param {String} ctrlName Name of the controller to which the action belongs
* @param {String} actionName Name of the action that should be performed
* @param {Object} data optional data that can be submitted to the action
* @returns {Object} the return object of the performed action
* @public
* @memberOf mmir.ControllerManager.prototype
perform: function(ctrlName, actionName, data){
var ctrl = this.get(ctrlName);
if (ctrl != null) {
return ctrl.perform(actionName, data);
else {
console.error('ControllerManager.perform: the controller could not be found "'+ctrlName+'"');
* This function performs an action of a helper-class for a controller.
* @function
* @param {String} ctrlName Name of the controller to which the helper action belongs
* @param {String} actionName Name of the action that should be performed by the helper
* @param {Object} data optional data that can be submitted to the action
* @returns {Object} the return object of the performed action
* @public
* @memberOf mmir.ControllerManager.prototype
performHelper: function(ctrlName, actionName, data) {
var ctrl = this.get(ctrlName);
if (ctrl != null) {
if(arguments.length > 3){
return ctrl.performHelper(actionName, data, arguments[3]);
else {
return ctrl.performHelper(actionName, data);
else {
console.error('ControllerManager.performHelper: the controller could not be found "'+ctrlName+'"');
* This function must be called before using the {@link mmir.ControllerManager}. The Initialization process is asynchronous,
* because javascript-files must be loaded (the controllers).
* To ensure that the ControllerManager is initialized, a callback can be used, or the returned
* <em>Promise</em> (i.e. a "then-able" object) for code, that relies
* on the presence of the loaded controllers.<br>
* <div class="box important">
* <b>Note:</b>
* The callback function should be used for code, that requires the prior loading of the controllers.<br>
* The callback mechanism is necessary, because loading the controllers is asynchronous.<br><br>
* If provided, the callback function is invoked with 1 argument, the ControllerManager instance:<br>
* <code> callbackFunction(controllerManagerInstance) </code>
* </div>
* @function
* @async
* @param {Function} [callback] OPTIONAL
* an optional callback that will be triggered after the controllers where loaded
* @param {Object} [ctx] OPTIONAL
* the context for the controller & helper implementations (DEFAULT: the global context, i.e. window)
* @returns {Promise}
* a deferred promise that will get fulfilled when controllers are loaded
* @example
* //recommended style:
* mmir.require(['mmirf/controllerManager', ...], function(controllerManager, ...) {
* controllerManager.init().then(function(theInitializedControllerInstance){
* ...
* });
* })
* //old style:
* function afterLoadingControllers(controllerManagerInstance){
* var appCtrl = controllerManagerInstance.get('Application');
* //do something...
* }
* mmir.ctrl.init(afterLoadingControllers);
* @public
* @memberOf mmir.ControllerManager.prototype
init: function(callback, ctx){
return _init(callback, ctx, _instance, controllers);
_create: _create
return _instance;
return _create();