* Stub for view/rendering engine:
* mocks the function calls and invokes the hooks on the controllers without actually rendering anything.
* @example
* mmir.present.render('theController', 'theView');
* @class
* @name StubViewEngine
* @memberOf mmir.env.view
* @static
* @hideconstructor
* @depends document (DOM object)
* @depends HTMLElement.parentElement
* @depends HTMLElement.removeChild
define(['mmirf/logger', 'mmirf/util/deferred', 'module'],function(Logger, Deferred, module){
var log = Logger.create(module);
var promise = new Deferred();
//property names for passing the respected objects from doRenderView() to doRemoveElementsAfterViewLoad()
var FIELD_NAME_RESOLVE = '__renderResolve';
var FIELD_NAME_VIEW = '__view';
var FIELD_NAME_DATA = '__renderData';
var FIELD_NAME_MANAGER = '__present';
//function for removing "old" content from DOM (-> remove old, un-used page content)
var doRemoveElementsAfterViewLoad = function(_event, data){
var presentMgr = data[FIELD_NAME_MANAGER];
var ctrl = data[FIELD_NAME_CONTROLLER];
var view = data[FIELD_NAME_VIEW];
var renderData = data[FIELD_NAME_DATA];
var defer = data[FIELD_NAME_RESOLVE];
//FIX handle missing ctrl/view parameter gracefully
// this may occur when doRemoveElementsAfterViewLoad is
// triggered NOT through doRenderView but by some automatic
// mechanism, e.g. BACK history event that was not handled
// by the framework (which ideally should not happen ...)
var viewName;
viewName = view.getName();
log.e('PresentationManager[stubViewEngine].__doRemoveElementsAfterViewLoad: missing controller (and view)!',data.options);
log.d('on_page_load::'+viewName, renderData);
//trigger "after page loading" hooks on controller:
// the hook for all views of the controller MUST be present/implemented:
presentMgr._fireRenderEvent(ctrl, 'on_page_load', renderData, viewName, renderData);
//... the hook for single/specific view MAY be present/implemented:
presentMgr._fireRenderEvent(ctrl, 'on_page_load_'+viewName, renderData);
* Actually renders the View.<br>
* Fetches the layout for the controller, then fills the
* layout-template with the view content, while incorporating
* partials and contents that helper methods have provided. Then
* Dialogs are created and the pageContainer id is updated. At last
* all the content is localized using
* {@link mmir.LanguageManager#translateHTML}, and appended to
* the HTML document of the application, while the old one is
* removed.<br>
* At the end the <b>on_page_load</b> action is performed.
* @function doRenderView
* @param {String}
* _ctrlName Name of the controller
* @param {String}
* viewName Name of the view to render
* @param {Object}
* view View object that is to be rendered
* @param {Object}
* ctrl Controller object of the view to render
* @param {Object}
* [data] optional data for the view.
* @returns {Promise}
* a Promise that gets resolved when rendering is finished
* @memberOf mmir.env.view.StubViewEngine#
var doRenderView = function(_ctrlName, viewName, view, ctrl, data){
//if set to FALSE by one of the hooks (ie. before_page_prepare / before_page_load)
// will prevent rendering of the view!
var isContinue;
log.d('before_page_prepare::'+viewName, data);
//trigger "before page preparing" hooks on controller, if present/implemented:
isContinue = this._fireRenderEvent(ctrl, 'before_page_prepare', data, viewName, data);
if(isContinue === false){
return;/////////////////////// EARLY EXIT ////////////////////////
isContinue = this._fireRenderEvent(ctrl, 'before_page_prepare_'+viewName, data);
if(isContinue === false){
return;/////////////////////// EARLY EXIT ////////////////////////
// var layout = this.getLayout(ctrlName, true);
var renderResolve = new Deferred();
var presentMgr = this;
var renderFunc = function(){
//provide "change" data for before_page_load calls:
var pageEvtData = {
name: viewName
log.d('before_page_load::'+viewName, pageEvtData);
//trigger "before page loading" hooks on controller, if present/implemented:
isContinue = presentMgr._fireRenderEvent(ctrl, 'before_page_load', data, pageEvtData);//<- this is triggered for every view in the corresponding controller
if(isContinue === false){
return;/////////////////////// EARLY EXIT ////////////////////////
isContinue = presentMgr._fireRenderEvent(ctrl, 'before_page_load_'+viewName, data, pageEvtData);
if(isContinue === false){
return;/////////////////////// EARLY EXIT ////////////////////////
//pass controller- and view-instance to "after page change" handler
var changeOptions = {};
changeOptions[FIELD_NAME_RESOLVE] = renderResolve;
changeOptions[FIELD_NAME_VIEW] = view;
changeOptions[FIELD_NAME_DATA] = data;
changeOptions[FIELD_NAME_CONTROLLER] = ctrl;
changeOptions[FIELD_NAME_MANAGER] = presentMgr;
return renderResolve;
* @copydoc mmir.env.view.StubViewEngine#doRenderView
* @function render
* @public
* @memberOf mmir.env.view.StubViewEngine.prototype
* @see mmir.PresentationManager#render
render: doRenderView,
* Closes a modal window / dialog.<br>
* *
* @function hideCurrentDialog
* @public
* @memberOf mmir.env.view.StubViewEngine.prototype
* @see mmir.PresentationManager#hideCurrentDialog
hideCurrentDialog : function() {
//stub: do nothing
* Opens the requested dialog.<br>
* @function showDialog
* @param {String}
* _ctrlName Name of the controller
* @param {String}
* _dialogId Id of the dialog
* @param {Object}
* _data Optionally data - not used
* @returns {Object} the instance of the current dialog that was opened
* @public
* @memberOf mmir.env.view.StubViewEngine.prototype
* @see mmir.PresentationManager#showDialog
showDialog : function(_ctrlName, _dialogId, _data) {
//stub: do nothing
* Shows a "wait" dialog, i.e. "work in progress" notification.
* @function showWaitDialog
* @param {String} [_text] OPTIONAL
* the text that should be displayed.
* If omitted the language setting for <code>loadingText</code>
* will be used instead (from dictionary.json)
* @param {String} [_theme] OPTIONAL
* set the jQuery Mobile theme to be used for the wait-dialog
* (e.g. "a" or "b").
* NOTE: if this argument is used, then the <code>text</code>
* must also be supplied.
* @public
* @see #hideWaitDialog
* @memberOf mmir.env.view.StubViewEngine.prototype
* @see mmir.PresentationManager#showWaitDialog
showWaitDialog : function(_text, _theme) {
//stub: do nothing
* Hides / closes the "wait" dialog.
* @function hideWaitDialog
* @public
* @see #showWaitDialog
* @memberOf mmir.env.view.StubViewEngine.prototype
* @see mmir.PresentationManager#hideWaitDialog
hideWaitDialog : function() {
//stub: do nothing
return promise;