* MicLevelsAnalysis is a plugin/module for generating "microphone input levels changed events" for
* ASR (speech recognition) modules based on Web Audio Input (i.e. analyze audio from getUserMedia)
* The plugin triggers events <code>miclevelchanged</code> on listeners registered to the MediaManager.
* In addition, if the mic-levels-audio plugin starts its own audio-stream, an <code>webaudioinputstarted</code>
* event is trigger, when the plugin starts.
* @example
* //////////////////////////////// within media plugin: load analyzer //////////////////////////////////
* //within audio-input plugin that uses Web Audio: load mic-levels-analyzer plugin
* //first: check, if the analyzer plugin is already loaded (should be loaded only once)
* if(!mediaManager.micLevelsAnalysis){
* //set marker so that other plugins may know that the analyzer will be loaded:
* mediaManager.micLevelsAnalysis = true;
* //load the analyzer
* mediaManager.loadPlugin(micLevelsImplFile, function success(){
* //... finish the audio-plugin initialization, e.g. invoke initializer-callback
* }, function error(err){
* // ... in case the analyzer could not be loaded:
* // do some error handling ...
* //... and supply a stub-implementation for the analyzer module:
* mediaManager.micLevelsAnalysis = {
* _active: false,
* start: function(){
* console.info('STUB::micLevelsAnalysis.start()');
* },
* stop: function(){
* console.info('STUB::micLevelsAnalysis.stop()');
* },
* enable: function(enable){
* console.info('STUB::micLevelsAnalysis.enable('+(typeof enable === 'undefined'? '': enable)+') -> false');
* return false;//<- the stub can never be enabled
* },
* active: function(active){
* this._active = typeof active === 'undefined'? this._active: active;
* console.info('STUB::micLevelsAnalysis.active('+(typeof active === 'undefined'? '': active)+') -> ' + this._active);
* return active;//<- must always return the input-argument's value
* }
* };
* //... finish the audio-plugin initialization without the mic-levels-analyzer, e.g. invoke initializer-callback
* });
* } else {
* //if analyzer is already loaded/loading: just finish the audio-plugin initialization,
* // e.g. invoke initializer-callback
* }
* //////////////////////////////// use of mic-levels-analysis events //////////////////////////////////
* //in application code: listen for mic-level-changes
* mmir.media.on('miclevelchange', function(micValue){
* });
* @class
* @public
* @name MicLevelsAnalysis
* @memberOf mmir.env.media
* @hideconstructor
* @see {@link mmir.env.media.WebspeechAudioInput} for an example on integrating the mic-levels-analysis plugin into an audio-input plugin
* @requires HTML5 AudioContext
* @requires HTML5 getUserMedia (audio)
define(['mmirf/mediaManager'], function(mediaManager){
return {
/** @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis.module# */
initialize: function(callBack){//, ctxId, moduleConfig){//DISABLED this argument is currently un-used -> disabled
* @type getUserMedia()
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis#
* @private
var _getUserMedia;
* @type AudioContext
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis#
* @private
var _audioContext;
/** @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis#
* @private
var createAudioContext = function(){
if(typeof AudioContext !== 'undefined'){
_audioContext = new AudioContext;
else {//if(typeof webkitAudioContext !== 'undefined'){
_audioContext = new webkitAudioContext;
var nonFunctional = false;
try {
/** @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis.navigator# */
_getUserMedia = (navigator.mediaDevices && navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia) || navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia;
nonFunctional = !((typeof AudioContext !== 'undefined') || (typeof webkitAudioContext !== 'undefined'));
// wrap navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia():
_getUserMedia = function(constraints, onSuccess, onError){
} else {
// wrap legacy impl. navigator.getUserMedia():
navigator.__getUserMedia = _getUserMedia;
_getUserMedia = function(constraints, onSuccess, onError){
navigator.__getUserMedia.getUserMedia(constraints, onSuccess, onError);
} else {
mediaManager._log.error('MicLevelsAnalysis: No web audio support in this browser!');
} else {
mediaManager._log.error('MicLevelsAnalysis: Could not access getUserMedia() API: no access to microphone available (may not be running in through secure HTTPS connection?)');
nonFunctional = true;
catch (e) {
mediaManager._log.error('MicLevelsAnalysis: No web audio support in this browser! Error: '+(e.stack? e.stack : e));
nonFunctional = true;
* state-flag that indicates, if the process (e.g. ASR, recording)
* is actually active right now, i.e. if analysis calculations should be done or not.
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis#
* @private
var recording = false;
* Switch for generally disabling "microphone-level changed" calculations
* (otherwise calculation becomes active/inactive depending on whether or
* not a listener is registered to event {@link #MIC_CHANGED_EVT_NAME})
* <p>
* TODO make this configurable?...
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis#
* @private
var isMicLevelsEnabled = true;
/** MIC-LEVELS: the maximal value to occurs in the input data
* <p>
* FIXME verify / check if this is really the maximal possible value...
* @contant
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis#
* @private
var MIC_MAX_VAL = 2;//
/** MIC-LEVELS: the maximal value for level changes (used for normalizing change-values)
* @constant
* @private
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis# */
var MIC_MAX_NORM_VAL = -90;// -90 dB ... ???
/** MIC-LEVELS: normalization factor for values: adjust value, so that is
* more similar to the results from the other input-modules
* @constant
* @private
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis# */
var MIC_NORMALIZATION_FACTOR = 3.5;//adjust value, so that is more similar to the results from the other input-modules
/** MIC-LEVELS: time interval / pauses between calculating level changes
* @constant
* @private
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis# */
/** MIC-LEVELS: threshold for calculating level changes
* @constant
* @private
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis# */
* MIC-LEVELS: Name for the event that is emitted, when the input-mircophone's level change.
* @private
* @constant
* @default "miclevelchanged"
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis#
var MIC_CHANGED_EVT_NAME = 'miclevelchanged';
* STREAM_STARTED: Name for the event that is emitted, when the audio input stream for analysis becomes available.
* @private
* @constant
* @default "webaudioinputstarted"
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis#
var STREAM_STARTED_EVT_NAME = 'webaudioinputstarted';
* HELPER normalize the levels-changed value to MIC_MAX_NORM_VAL
* @deprecated currently un-used
* @private
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis#
var normalize = function (v){
* HELPER calculate the RMS value for list of audio values
* @deprecated currently un-used
* @private
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis#
var getRms = function (buffer, size){
if(!buffer || size === 0){
return 0;
var sum = 0, i = 0;
for(; i < size; ++i){
sum += buffer[i];
var avg = sum / size;
var meansq = 0;
for(i=0; i < size; ++i){
meansq += Math.pow(buffer[i] - avg, 2);
var avgMeansq = meansq / size;
return Math.sqrt(avgMeansq);
* HELPER calculate the dezible value for PCM value
* @deprecated currently un-used
* @private
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis#
var getDb = function (pcmData, upperLimit){
return 20 * Math.log10(Math.abs(pcmData)/upperLimit);
* HELPER determine if a value has change in comparison with a previous value
* (taking the LEVEL_CHANGED_THRESHOLD into account)
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis#
* @private
var hasChanged = function(value, previousValue){
var res = typeof previousValue === 'undefined' || Math.abs(value - previousValue) > LEVEL_CHANGED_THRESHOLD;
return res;
* @type LocalMediaStream
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis#
* @private
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaStream_API#LocalMediaStream
var _currentInputStream;
* @type AnalyserNode
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis#
* @private
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AnalyserNode
var _audioAnalyzer;
var _ownsInputStream = true;
//FIXME test
// window.RAW_DATA = [];
// window.DB_DATA = [];
// window.RMS_DATA = [];
* HELPER callback for getUserMedia: creates the microphone-levels-changed "analyzer"
* and fires mic-levels-changed events for registered listeners
* @param {LocalMediaStream} inputstream
* @private
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis#
function _startUserMedia(inputstream, foreignAudioData){
mediaManager._log.info('MicLevelsAnalysis: start analysing audio input...');
var buffer = 0;
// var prevDb;
var prevRms;
//we only need one analysis: if there is one active from a previous start
// -> do stop it, before storing the new inputstream in _currentInputStream
_currentInputStream = inputstream;
if(_isAnalysisCanceled === true){
//ASR was stopped, before the audio-stream for the analysis became available:
// -> stop analysis now, since ASR is not active (and close the audio stream without doing anything)
return;//////////////// EARLY EXIT //////////////////////
var inputNode;
_ownsInputStream = true;
inputNode = _audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(_currentInputStream);
//fire event STREAM_STARTED to inform listeners & allow them to use the audio stream
mediaManager._emitEvent(STREAM_STARTED_EVT_NAME, inputNode, _audioContext);
else {
_ownsInputStream = false;
_currentInputStream = true;
inputNode = foreignAudioData.inputSource;
_audioContext = foreignAudioData.audioContext;
///////////////////// VIZ ///////////////////
// recorder = recorderInstance;
_audioAnalyzer = _audioContext.createAnalyser();
_audioAnalyzer.fftSize = 2048;
_audioAnalyzer.minDecibels = -90;
_audioAnalyzer.maxDecibels = 0;
_audioAnalyzer.smoothingTimeConstant = 0.8;//NOTE: value 1 will smooth everything *completely* -> do not use 1
// audioRecorder = new Recorder( _currentInputStream );
// recorder = new Recorder(_currentInputStream, {workerPath: recorderWorkerPath});
// updateAnalysers();
var updateAnalysis = function(){
var size = _audioAnalyzer.fftSize;//.frequencyBinCount;//
var data = new Uint8Array(size);//new Float32Array(size);//
// var view = new DataView(data.buffer);
var MAX = 255;//32768;
var MIN = 0;//-32768;
var min = MAX;//32768;
var max = MIN;//-32768;
var total = 0;
for(var i=0; i < size; ++i){
var datum = Math.abs(data[i]);
// mediaManager._log.d('data '+(20 * Math.log10(data[i]/MAX)));//+view.getInt16(i));
// mediaManager._log.d('data '+view.getInt16(i));
// mediaManager._log.d('data '+data[i]);
// window.RAW_DATA.push(data[i]);
// window.DB_DATA.push(20 * Math.log10(data[i]/MAX));
// window.RMS_DATA.push('');
if (datum < min)
min = datum;
if (datum > max)
max = datum;
total += datum;
var avg = total / size;
// mediaManager._log.debug('audio ['+min+', '+max+'], avg '+avg);
// var rms = getRms(data, size);
// var db = 20 * Math.log(rms);// / 0.0002);
// mediaManager._log.debug('audio rms '+rms+', db '+db);
/* RMS stands for Root Mean Square, basically the root square of the
* average of the square of each value. */
var rms = 0, val;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
val = data[i] - avg;
rms += val * val;
rms /= data.length;
rms = Math.sqrt(rms);
// window.RMS_DATA[window.RMS_DATA.length-1] = rms;//FIXME TEST
var db;// = 20 * Math.log10(Math.abs(max)/MAX);
// var db = rms;
// mediaManager._log.debug('audio rms '+rms);
// mediaManager._log.debug('audio rms changed: '+prevDb+' -> '+db);
//actually fire the change-event on all registered listeners:
if(hasChanged(rms, prevRms)){
prevRms = rms;
// //adjust value
db = 20 * Math.log10(Math.abs(max)/MAX);
//mediaManager._log.debug('audio rms changed ('+db+'): '+prevRms+' -> '+rms);
mediaManager._emitEvent(MIC_CHANGED_EVT_NAME, db, rms);
if(_isAnalysisActive && _currentInputStream){
setTimeout(updateAnalysis, MIC_QUERY_INTERVALL);
///////////////////// VIZ ///////////////////
/** internal flag: is/should mic-levels analysis be active?
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis#
* @private
var _isAnalysisActive = false;
/** internal flag: is/should mic-levels analysis be active?
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis#
* @private
var _isAnalysisCanceled = false;
/** HELPER start-up mic-levels analysis (and fire events for registered listeners)
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis#
* @private
function _startAudioAnalysis(audioInputData){
if(_isAnalysisActive === true){
_isAnalysisCanceled = false;
_isAnalysisActive = true;
//use existing input stream for analysis:
_startUserMedia(null, audioInputData);
else {
//start analysis with own audio input stream:
_getUserMedia({audio: true}, _startUserMedia, function(e) {
mediaManager._log.warn("MicLevelsAnalysis: failed _startAudioAnalysis, unsuccessfully requested getUserMedia() ", e);
_isAnalysisActive = false;
/** HELPER stop mic-levels analysis
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis#
* @private
function _stopAudioAnalysis(){
var stream = _currentInputStream;
_currentInputStream = void(0);
//DISABLED: MediaStream.stop() is deprecated -> instead: stop all tracks individually
// stream.stop();
var list = stream.getTracks(), track;
for(var i=list.length-1; i >= 0; --i){
track = list[i];
if(track.readyState !== 'ended'){
} catch (err){
mediaManager._log.error('MicLevelsAnalysis: a problem occured while stopping audio input analysis: '+(e.stack? e.stack : e));
_isAnalysisCanceled = false;
_isAnalysisActive = false;
mediaManager._log.info('MicLevelsAnalysis: stopped analysing audio input!');
else if(_isAnalysisActive === true){
mediaManager._log.warn('MicLevelsAnalysis: stopped analysing audio input process, but no valid audio stream present!');
_isAnalysisCanceled = true;
_isAnalysisActive = false;
} else {//input stream is owned by external creator: just set internal flag for stopping analysis
_currentInputStream = void(0);//remove foreign inputStream
_audioContext = void(0);//remove foreign audioContext
_isAnalysisCanceled = false;
_isAnalysisActive = false;
/** HELPER determine whether to start/stop audio-analysis based on
* listeners getting added/removed on the MediaManager
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis#
* @private
function _updateMicLevelAnalysis(actionType, handler){
//start analysis now, if necessary
if( actionType === 'added' &&
recording === true &&
_isAnalysisActive === false &&
isMicLevelsEnabled === true
//stop analysis, if there is no listener anymore
else if(actionType === 'removed' &&
_isAnalysisActive === true &&
mediaManager.hasListeners(MIC_CHANGED_EVT_NAME) === false
//observe changes on listener-list for mic-levels-changed-event
mediaManager._addListenerObserver(MIC_CHANGED_EVT_NAME, _updateMicLevelAnalysis);
callBack({micLevelsAnalysis: {
* Start the audio analysis for generating "microphone levels changed" events.
* This functions should be called, when ASR is starting / receiving the audio audio stream.
* When the analysis has started, listeners of the <code>MediaManager</code> for
* event <code>miclevelchanged</code> will get notified, when the mic-levels analysis detects
* changes in the microphone audio input levels.
* @param {AudioInputData} [audioInputData]
* If provided, the analysis will use these audio input objects instead
* of creating its own audio-input via <code>getUserMedia</code>.
* The AudioInputData object must have 2 properties:
* {
* inputSource: MediaStreamAudioSourceNode (HTML5 Web Audio API)
* audioContext: AudioContext (HTML5 Web Audio API)
* }
* If this argument is omitted, then the analysis will create its own
* audio input stream via <code>getUserMedia</code>
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis.prototype
start: function(audioInputData){
if(isMicLevelsEnabled){//same as: this.enabled()
* Stops the audio analysis for "microphone levels changed" events.
* This functions should be called, when ASR has stopped / closed the audio input stream.
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis.prototype
stop: function(){
* Get/set the mic-level-analysis' enabled-state:
* If the analysis is disabled, then {@link #start} will not active the analysis (and currently running
* analysis will be stopped).
* This function is getter and setter: if an argument <code>enable</code> is provided, then the
* mic-level-analysis' enabled-state will be set, before returning the current value of the enabled-state
* (if omitted, just the enabled-state will be returned)
* @param {Boolean} [enable] OPTIONAL
* if <code>enable</code> is provided, then the mic-level-analysis' enabled-state
* is set to this value.
* @returns {Boolean}
* the mic-level-analysis' enabled-state
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis.prototype
enabled: function(enable){
return false;
if(typeof enable !== 'undefined'){
if(!enable && (isMicLevelsEnabled != enable || _isAnalysisActive)){
isMicLevelsEnabled = enable;
return isMicLevelsEnabled;
* Getter/Setter for ASR-/recording-active state.
* This function should be called with <code>true</code> when ASR starts and
* with <code>false</code> when ASR stops.
* NOTE setting the <code>active</code> state allows the analyzer to start
* processing when a listener for <code>miclevelchanged</code> is added while
* ASR/recording is already active (otherwise the processing would not start
* immediately, but when the ASR/recording is started the next time).
* @param {Boolean} [active]
* if <code>active</code> is provided, then the mic-level-analysis' (recording) active-state
* is set to this value.
* @returns {Boolean}
* the mic-level-analysis' (recording) active-state.
* If argument <code>active</code> was supplied, then the return value will be the same
* as this input value.
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.MicLevelsAnalysis.prototype
active: function(active){
return false;
if(typeof active !== 'undefined'){
recording = active;
return recording;
});//END define