* Media Module: Implementation for Text-To-Speech via WebSpeech API SpeechSynthesis
* @requires HTML5 SpeechSynthesis
* @class WebSpeechTTSImpl
* @memberOf mmir.env.media
* @hideconstructor
* @see https://wicg.github.io/speech-api/#tts-section
define(['mmirf/languageManager', 'mmirf/util/toArray'], function(lang, toArray){
var globalCtx = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : this;
var speechSynthesis = globalCtx.speechSynthesis || null;
* @readonly
* @inner
* @default "ttsWebspeech"
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.WebSpeechTTSImpl#
var _pluginName = 'ttsWebspeech';
if(!speechSynthesis || typeof SpeechSynthesisUtterance === 'undefined'){
throw new Error('Could not initialize media plugin '+_pluginName+': Web Speech Synthesis is not supported.');
return function createWebSpeechTTSImpl(_defaultLogger){
/** @memberOf mmir.env.media.WebSpeechTTSImpl#
* @private
var _getLangParam;
/** @memberOf mmir.env.media.WebSpeechTTSImpl#
* @private
* HELPER retrieve language setting and apply impl. specific corrections/adjustments
* (i.e. deal with WebSpeech specific quirks for language/country codes)
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.WebSpeechTTSImpl#
* @private
var _getFixedLang = function(options){
var locale = _getLangParam(options, void(0));
return lang.fixLang('google', locale);
* HELPER retrieve voice setting and apply impl. specific corrections/adjustments
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.WebSpeechTTSImpl#
* @private
var _getFixedVoice = function(options, language){
var voiceParam = _getVoiceParam(options, language);
var voice;
if(typeof voiceParam === 'string'){
var filterOpt = /^male|female$/i.test(voiceParam)? {details: {gender: voiceParam}, language: language} : {details: {name: voiceParam}};
voice = _selectVoice(filterOpt);
} else {
voice = voiceParam
return voice;
var _getVoiceParam;
/** @memberOf mmir.env.media.WebSpeechTTSImpl#
* @private
var _lastSelectedVoice;//{query: QueryOptions, voice: VoiceDetails}
* HELPER retrieve voice setting and apply impl. specific corrections/adjustments
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.WebSpeechTTSImpl#
* @private
var _selectVoice = function(filterOpt){
var q = _lastSelectedVoice.query;
if(q.language === filterOpt.language && q.details.gender === filterOpt.details && q.details.name === filterOpt.details.name){
return _lastSelectedVoice.voice;
var voices = _getVoiceList().filter(_createVoiceFilter(filterOpt));
if(voices.length > 0 && speechSynthesis){
var id = voices[0].name;
var voice = speechSynthesis.getVoices().find(function(v){ return v.voiceURI === id});
_lastSelectedVoice = {query: filterOpt, voice: voice};
return voice;
* HELPER convert raw voice information
* @param {SpeechSynthesisVoice} infos the raw voice information
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.WebSpeechTTSImpl#
* @private
var _toVoiceDetails = function(infos){
var gm = /\b((fe)?male)\b/i.exec(infos.name);
var genderInfo = !gm? 'unknown' : gm[2]? 'female' : gm[1]? 'male' : 'unknown';
return {
name: infos.voiceURI,
language: infos.lang,
gender: genderInfo,
local: infos.localService
* HELPER create filter-function for voice depending on language and/or gender
* @param {VoiceOptions} options for listing voices:
* options.language: the language code (may include country code)
* options.details: boolean | {name: string, gender: 'male' | 'female' | 'unknown'}
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.WebSpeechTTSImpl#
* @private
var _createVoiceFilter = function(options){
var reLang = null, reStr = null;
var parts = options.language.split(/[-_]/);
reStr = '^'+parts[0];
reStr += '[-_]'+parts[1]+'$';
reLang = new RegExp(reStr, 'i');
var reName = null;
var reGender = null;
reStr = options.details.name;
reName = new RegExp('^'+reStr+'$', 'i');
reStr = options.details.gender;
reGender = new RegExp('^'+reStr+'$', 'i');
return function(voice){
return (!reLang || reLang.test(voice.language)) && (!reName || reName.test(voice.name)) && (!reGender || reGender.test(voice.gender));
/** @memberOf mmir.env.media.WebSpeechTTSImpl#
* @private
var _invokeAsync = function(func){
return setTimeout(func, 10);
/** @memberOf mmir.env.media.WebSpeechTTSImpl#
* @private
var createAudio = function(sentence, options, onend, onerror, oninit){
return _createUtteranceAudio(sentence, options, onend, onerror, oninit);
/** @memberOf mmir.env.media.WebSpeechTTSImpl#
* @private
var _getVoiceList = function(callback, onerror){
var list = speechSynthesis.getVoices().map(function(raw){ return _toVoiceDetails(raw)});
} else {
return list;
} else if(onerror) {
_invokeAsync(function(){onerror(_pluginName + ': no SpeechSynthesis instance available!')});
/** @memberOf mmir.env.media.WebSpeechTTSImpl#
* @see mmir.MediaManager#getSpeechLanguages
* @private
var getLanguageList = function(callback, onerror){
var langs = new Set();
list.forEach(function(v){ langs.add(v.language)});
callback && callback(toArray(langs));
}, onerror || console.error);
/** @memberOf mmir.env.media.WebSpeechTTSImpl#
* @see mmir.MediaManager#getVoices
* @private
var getVoiceList = function(options, callback, onerror){
var isFilter = options && (options.language || (options.details && (options.details.name || options.details.gender)));
var filteredList = !isFilter? voices : voices.filter(_createVoiceFilter(options));
var isDetails = options && options.details;
callback && callback(isDetails? filteredList : filteredList.map(function(v){ return v.name;}));
}, onerror || console.error);
* HELPER create AudioImpl wrapper for SpeechSynthesisUtterance instance.
* @private
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.WebSpeechTTSImpl#
var _createUtteranceAudio = function(text, options, onEnd, failureCallback, onCanPlay){
try {
* status:
* 0 - initial
* 1 - ready/initialized
* 2 - playing
* 3 - paused
* 4 - ended/stopped
* @private
* @memberOf AudioSpeechSynthesisImpl#
var playStatus = 0;
var my_media = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
var lang = _getFixedLang(options);
var voice = _getFixedVoice(options, lang);
if(typeof voice !== 'undefined'){
my_media.voice = voice;
} else {
if(typeof lang !== 'undefined'){
my_media.lang = lang;//'en-US';
if(typeof options.rate !== 'undefined'){
my_media.rate = options.rate; // 0.1 to 10
if(typeof options.pitch !== 'undefined'){
my_media.pitch = options.pitch; //0 to 2
my_media.text = text;
var onplay = function(){
// console.warn('SpeechSynthesisUtterance['+JSON.stringify(text)+']: '+e.type+'!');
playStatus = 2;
var onpause = function(){
// console.warn('SpeechSynthesisUtterance['+JSON.stringify(text)+']: '+e.type+'!');
playStatus = 3
my_media.onstart = onplay;
my_media.onresume = onplay;
my_media.onpause = onpause;
my_media.onend = function() {
// console.log('Finished in ' + event.elapsedTime + ' seconds.');
// console.warn('SpeechSynthesisUtterance['+JSON.stringify(text)+']: '+e.type+'!');
playStatus = 4;
if (onEnd){
onEnd.apply(mediaImpl, arguments);
my_media.onerror = function() {
// console.log('Finished in ' + event.elapsedTime + ' seconds.');
// console.warn('SpeechSynthesisUtterance['+JSON.stringify(text)+']: '+e.type+' -> ', e);
playStatus = 4;//FIXME do this?
if (failureCallback){
failureCallback.apply(mediaImpl, arguments);
* @private
* @memberOf AudioSpeechSynthesisImpl#
var enabled = !!speechSynthesis;
* @private
* @memberOf AudioSpeechSynthesisImpl#
var onReadyTimer = 0;
* The Audio abstraction that wraps the underlaying SpeechSynthesisUtterance instance.
* <p>
* NOTE: when an audio object is not used anymore, its {@link #release} method should
* be called.
* <p>
* This is the same interface as {@link mmir.env.media.AudioHtml5Impl}.
* @class
* @name AudioSpeechSynthesisImpl
* @memberOf mmir.env.media
* @implements mmir.env.media.IAudio
* @hideconstructor
* @public
var mediaImpl = {
* Play audio.
* @inheritdoc
* @name play
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.AudioSpeechSynthesisImpl.prototype
play: function(){
if (enabled){
if(playStatus > 0 && playStatus < 4){
if(speechSynthesis.speaking || speechSynthesis.pending){
return playStatus >= 1;
return false;
* Stop playing audio.
* @inheritdoc
* @name stop
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.AudioSpeechSynthesisImpl.prototype
stop: function(){
//only try to stop if playing and/or paused
if(speechSynthesis && (playStatus === 2 || playStatus === 3)){
// my_media.stop();
return true;
return playStatus === 4;
* Enable audio (should only be used internally).
* @inheritdoc
* @name enable
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.AudioSpeechSynthesisImpl.prototype
enable: function(){
enabled = !!speechSynthesis;
* Disable audio (should only be used internally).
* @inheritdoc
* @name disable
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.AudioSpeechSynthesisImpl.prototype
disable: function(){
enabled = false;
* Release audio: should be called when the audio
* file is not used any more.
* NOTE Android has limited resources available - not releasing resources
* may result in not being able to instantiate new (audio) resources.
* @inheritdoc
* @name release
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.AudioSpeechSynthesisImpl.prototype
release: function(){
if(enabled && ! this.isPaused()){
enabled= false;
my_media.onstart = null;
my_media.onresume = null;
my_media.onpause = null;
my_media.onend = null;
my_media.onerror = null;
my_media = null;
* Set the volume of this audio file
* @param {Number} value
* the new value for the volume:
* a number between [0.0, 1.0]
* @inheritdoc
* @name setVolume
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.AudioSpeechSynthesisImpl.prototype
setVolume: function(value){
my_media.volume = value;
* Get the duration of the audio file
* @returns {Number} the duration in MS (or -1 if unknown)
* @inheritdoc
* @name getDuration
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.AudioSpeechSynthesisImpl.prototype
getDuration: function(){
if(my_media && typeof my_media.duration === 'number'){
return my_media.duration;
return -1;
* Check if audio is currently paused.
* NOTE: "paused" is a different status than "stopped".
* @returns {Boolean} TRUE if paused, FALSE otherwise
* @inheritdoc
* @name isPaused
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.AudioSpeechSynthesisImpl.prototype
isPaused: function(){
return playStatus === 3;
return false;
* Check if audio is currently enabled
* @returns {Boolean} TRUE if enabled
* @inheritdoc
* @name isEnabled
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.AudioSpeechSynthesisImpl.prototype
isEnabled: function(){
return enabled;
// set status to ready immediately:
playStatus = 1;
if (onCanPlay){
// if onready callback is present, invoke asynchronously
onReadyTimer = setTimeout(function(){
onCanPlay.apply(mediaImpl, arguments);
}, 10);
return mediaImpl;
} catch (e){
(failureCallback || console.error)(e);
/** @memberOf mmir.env.media.WebSpeechTTSImpl# */
return {
* @public
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.WebSpeechTTSImpl.prototype
getPluginName: function(){
return _pluginName;
* @public
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.WebSpeechTTSImpl.prototype
getCreateAudioFunc: function(){
return createAudio;
* @public
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.WebSpeechTTSImpl.prototype
getLanguageListFunc: function(){
return getLanguageList;
* @public
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.WebSpeechTTSImpl.prototype
getVoiceListFunc: function(){
return getVoiceList;
* @public
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.WebSpeechTTSImpl.prototype
setLangParamFunc: function(getLangParamFunc){
_getLangParam = getLangParamFunc;
* @public
* @memberOf mmir.env.media.WebSpeechTTSImpl.prototype
setVoiceParamFunc: function(getVoiceParamFunc){
_getVoiceParam = getVoiceParamFunc;
};//END: return { ...
};//END: function createWebSpeechTTSImpl(){...