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Interface AppConfig

var appConfig = {
    //path to directory that contains classic mmir directory structure
    resourcesPath: 'src/mmir',
    resourcesPathOptions: {
        //for included models, controllers, helpers: convert old-style
        // implementations by adding an export statement
        addModuleExport: true,
        //exlude model implementations, and do not include JSON grammar resources
        exclude: ['models', 'settings/grammar']
    //utilize jQuery in mmir instead of (less backwards compatible)
    // alternative implementations (npm package jquery needs to be installed!)
    jquery: true,
    //specify language for runtime configuration (== configuration.json)
    configuration: {language: 'en'},
    //do include controller implementation found within resourcesPath
    // (NOTE: this is the default behavior)
    controllers: true,
    //do NOT include helper implemenations found within resourcesPath
    helpers: false,




Optional configuration

configuration: RuntimeConfiguration

Specify additional (mmir) runtime configuration values, e.g. in addition to config/configuration.json.

In case of conflicts, these settings will override settings in config/configuration.json,

Optional grammars

grammars: GrammarOptions | boolean

Specify how (JSON) grammars should be parsed/included, and/or specify additional grammars that should be included.

Compiled grammars will be available via the SemanticInterpreter.

If false, grammars will be excluded/ignored.

Optional resourcesPath

resourcesPath: string

specify the path to the MMIR resources directory with the default structure:


The path will be used to collect all available resources and create the correspondig options for including them.



Optional resourcesPathOptions

resourcesPathOptions: ResourcesOptions

Optional rootPath

rootPath: string

used for resolving non-absolute paths: the absolute path to the app's root/sources directory (if omitted the current working directory is used for resolving non-absolute paths)

Optional settings

settings: SettingsOptions | boolean

Specify how (mmir) configuration and settings should be parsed/included, and/or specify additional settings that should be included.

The mmir configuration/settings are the resources that are by default located in the mmir config/ directory (with exception of the states sub-directory; for those instead use WebpackAppConfig.states):


(NOTE the config/states/ sub-directory is handled/configured via the the states option)

Optional states

states: StateOptions | boolean

Specify how (SCXML) state-machines/-models should be parsed/included, and/or specify additional state-models that should be included.

If false, state-models will be excluded/ignored.

By default, if no state-models are include, "minimal" state-models for the InputManager and the DialogManager will be included, see mmir-tooling/defaultValues.

Optional views

views: ViewOptions | boolean

Specify how (mmir) views should be parsed/included, and/or specify additional views that should be included.

If false, views will be excluded/ignored.

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