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Interface SettingsOptions

        var settingOptions = {
             path: path.resolve('./config'),
             configuration: false,
             grammar: {
                 ja: {exclude: true}
             speech: {
                 de: {exclude: true},
                 en: {include: 'file'}
             dictionary: {
                 ja: {include: 'file'}




Optional configuration

configuration: boolean | SettingsEntryOptionsMultiple

options for the configuration.json (or .js) entry; if FALSE, the resource will be ignored

Optional dictionary

dictionary: boolean | {}

options-map for the dictionary.json (or .js) entries where id is (usually) the language code; if false, these resources will be ignored

Optional excludeTypePattern

excludeTypePattern: RegExp | Array<SettingsType>

pattern for excluding settings: if pattern matches SettingsEntryOptions.type, the settings will be excluded

Optional grammar

grammar: boolean | {}

options-map for the grammar.json (or .js) entries where id is (usually) the language code; if false, these resources will be ignored

Optional include

include: "inline" | "file"

can be used to include the resource as separate file, instead of bundeling via webpack


"inline" if webpack build, otherwise "file"

Optional path

path: string

file path for searching settings:

path/.../<language ID>/grammar.[json | js]
                      /dictionary.[json | js]
                      /speech.[json | js]
configuration.[json | js]

Optional speech

speech: boolean | {}

options-map for the speech.json (or .js) entries where id is (usually) the language code; if false, these resources will be ignored

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