  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All


Type aliases


AsyncPendingInfo: { jison: number; jscc: number; pegjs: number; reset: any }

Type declaration


Const _default

_default: { compile: typeof compile; createPendingAsyncGrammarsInfo: typeof createPendingAsyncGrammarsInfo; fileVersion: number; getEngine: typeof getEngine; getPendingAsyncGrammars: () => AsyncPendingInfo; initPendingAsyncGrammarInfo: typeof initPendingAsyncGrammarInfo; isAsyncCompile: typeof isAsyncCompile; isAsyncSupported: () => boolean; setPendingAsyncGrammars: (pending: AsyncPendingInfo) => void; updatePendingAsyncGrammarFinished: typeof updatePendingAsyncGrammarFinished }

Type declaration

Const _default

_default: { addGrammarsToAppConfig: (grammars: GrammarBuildEntry[], appConfig: BuildAppConfig | WebpackAppConfig, directories: DirectoriesInfo, _resources: ResourceConfig, runtimeConfiguration: RuntimeConfiguration) => void; applyDefaultOptions: (options: GrammarOptions, grammarList: GrammarEntry[]) => GrammarBuildEntry[]; jsonGrammarsFromDir: (options: GrammarOptions, appRootDir: string, grammarList: GrammarEntry[]) => GrammarBuildEntry[]; jsonGrammarsFromOptions: (options: GrammarOptions, appRootDir: string, grammarList: GrammarEntry[]) => GrammarBuildEntry[]; parseRuntimeConfigurationForOptions: typeof parseRuntimeConfigurationForOptions; toAliasId: typeof toAliasId; toAliasPath: typeof toAliasPath }

Type declaration

  • addGrammarsToAppConfig: (grammars: GrammarBuildEntry[], appConfig: BuildAppConfig | WebpackAppConfig, directories: DirectoriesInfo, _resources: ResourceConfig, runtimeConfiguration: RuntimeConfiguration) => void

    add grammars to (webpack) app build configuration


    list of GrammarEntry objects: grammar.id {String}: the grammar id (usually the language code, e.g. "en" or "de") grammar.file {String}: the path to the JSON grammar (from which the executable grammar will be created) grammar.ignore {Boolean}: OPTIONAL if true, the grammar will not be loaded (and registered) when the the app is initialized, i.e. needs to be "manually" loaded/initialized by app implementation and/or other mechanisms. If omitted or false, the grammar will be loaded on start-up of the app, and then will be available e.g. via mmir.semantic.interpret(, ).


    the app configuration to which the grammars will be added


    the directories.json representation


    the resources configuration


    the configuration.json representation

  • applyDefaultOptions: (options: GrammarOptions, grammarList: GrammarEntry[]) => GrammarBuildEntry[]

    apply the "global" options from options or default values to the entries from grammarList if its corresponding options-field is not explicitly specified.


    the grammar options

  • jsonGrammarsFromDir: (options: GrammarOptions, appRootDir: string, grammarList: GrammarEntry[]) => GrammarBuildEntry[]

    parse directories for JSON grammars and create/return GrammarEntry list


    the grammar options where options.path: REQUIRED the directory from which to add the grammars, and has the following structure: //grammar.json //grammar.json ... options.grammars: OPTIONAL a map of grammar IDs, i.e. {[grammarID: string]: GrammarOption} with specific options for compiling the corresponding JSON grammar: options.grammars[id].engine {"jscc" | "jison" | "pegjs"}: OPTIONAL the Grammar engine that will be used to compile the executable grammar. DEFAULT: "jscc" options.grammars[id].async {Boolean}: OPTIONAL if true, and the execution environment supports Workers, then the grammar will be loaded in a Worker on app start-up, i.e. execution will be asynchronously in a worker-thread options.grammars[id].exclude {Boolean}: OPTIONAL if true, the corresponding grammar will be completely excluded, i.e. no executable grammar will be compiled from the corresponding JSON grammar options.grammars[id].ignore {Boolean}: OPTIONAL if true, the grammar will not be loaded (and registered) when the the app is initialized, i.e. needs to be "manually" loaded/initialized by app implementation and/or other mechanisms. If omitted or false, the grammar will be loaded on start-up of the app, and then will be available e.g. via mmir.semantic.interpret(, ).


    the root directory of the app (against which relative paths will be resolved)


    OPTIONAL list of GrammarEntry objects, to which the new entries (read from the options.directory) will be added if omitted, a new list will be created and returned. GrammarEntry.id {String}: the grammar id (usually the language code, e.g. "en" or "de") GrammarEntry.file {String}: the path to the JSON grammar (from which the executable grammar will be created) GrammarEntry.engine {"jscc" | "jison" | "pegjs"}: OPTIONAL the Grammar engine that will be used to compile the executable grammar. DEFAULT: "jscc" GrammarEntry.ignore {Boolean}: OPTIONAL if true, the grammar will not be loaded (and registered) when the the app is initialized, i.e. needs to be "manually" loaded/initialized by app implementation and/or other mechanisms. If omitted or false, the grammar will be loaded on start-up of the app, and then will be available e.g. via mmir.semantic.interpret(, ). GrammarEntry.async {Boolean}: OPTIONAL if true, and the execution environment supports Workers, then the grammar will be loaded in a Worker on app start-up, i.e. execution will be asynchronously in a worker-thread GrammarEntry.initPhrase {String}: OPTIONAL an initalization phrase that will be executed, if grammar is set for async-execution GrammarEntry.asyncCompile {Boolean}: OPTIONAL if true, and the build environment supports Workers, then the grammar will be compiled in a Worker (during build)


    the list of GrammarEntry objects

  • jsonGrammarsFromOptions: (options: GrammarOptions, appRootDir: string, grammarList: GrammarEntry[]) => GrammarBuildEntry[]

    add grammars from options.grammar map {[grammarID: string]: GrammarOption}, if the GrammarOption has a file field set.


    the grammar options with field options.grammars


    the root directory of the app (against which relative paths will be resolved)



  • parseRuntimeConfigurationForOptions: typeof parseRuntimeConfigurationForOptions

    parse RuntimeConfiguration for grammar-related settings and "convert" them to the corresponding GrammarOptions


    the grammar options


    the runtime configuration settings


    the grammar options with new/modified options from RuntimeConfiguration

  • toAliasId: typeof toAliasId
  • toAliasPath: typeof toAliasPath



  • compile a JSON grammar into an executable JS grammar


    • content: string

      the JSON grammar as string

    • grammarFile: string

      the path of the JSON grammar (for debugging/error information)

    • options: GrammarCompilerOptions

      the GrammarLoadOptions with property mapping (list of GrammarOptions)

    • callback: CompilerCallback

      the callback when grammar compilation has been completed: callback(error | null, compiledGrammar, map, meta)

    • _map: any
    • _meta: any

    Returns void









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