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Interface StateBuildOptions




Optional defaultType

defaultType: StateModelMode | "minimal"

if default models for 'input' and 'dialog' are created, specifies their mode (defaults will be created, if no definition for the models is specified or can be found the the resources path(s))

Optional exclude

exclude: boolean

if true, the corresponding resource will be excluded (when parsing path)

Optional force

force: boolean

if TRUE the targets will be newly created and written to the targetDir, even if the existence or up-to-date check returns true

Optional ignoreErrors

ignoreErrors: boolean

if true, runtime errors will be ignored. if false (or omitted) the compilation will fail with an error message when encountering SCXML runtime errors.

NOTE: if ignored, the runtime errors will be triggered when the state-machine enters the corresponing state during runtime!



Optional mode

run SCXML model in "simple" or "extended" mode



Optional models

Optional moduleId

moduleId: string

the module ID for state interpreter: if the interpreter is registered, it can be require'd using the moduleId, e.g.

var stateManager = mmir.require(<moduleId>);

(the moduleId will be automatically set for inputManager and dialogManager)

Optional moduleType

moduleType: "amd" | "commonjs"

the module type of the generated/compiled state machine



Optional path

path: string

file path for searching (recursively) for SCXML files (state-models):

path/.../dialog.xml -> type "dialog"
        /input.xml  -> type "input"

NOTE: for backwards compatibility, the following file names are also accepted and mapped to their corresponding type

        "dialogDescriptionSCXML.xml" -> "dialog"
        "inputDescriptionSCXML.xml" -> "input"

Or custom state models (SCXML definitions) with file extension .xml.

Optional strict

strict: boolean

set or disable strict-mode for generated JavaScript code



Optional targetDir

targetDir: string

directory to which the compiled resources like grammars (and checksum files) will be stored

by default, the relative paths are resolved against the app's root directory; if the target directory is missing it will be newly created.


BuildAppConfig.targetDir + ResourceType

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