Interface: PictureMetadata

Flac. PictureMetadata

FLAC picture metadata block
Name Type Description
type Flac.FLAC__StreamMetadata_Picture_Type The kind of picture stored.
mime_type string Picture data's MIME type, in ASCII printable characters 0x20-0x7e, NUL terminated. For best compatibility with players, use picture data of MIME type image/jpeg or image/png. A MIME type of '–>' is also allowed, in which case the picture data should be a complete URL.
description string Picture's description.
width number Picture's width in pixels.
height number Picture's height in pixels.
depth number Picture's color depth in bits-per-pixel.
colors number For indexed palettes (like GIF), picture's number of colors (the number of palette entries), or 0 for non-indexed (i.e. 2^depth).
data_length number Length of binary picture data in bytes.
data Uint8Array Binary picture data.